I would like to share how I made a simple printable party hat for Yasmin's 3rd birthday party few months back. I saw lots of printable party hat idea in Etsy which I adore so much that makes me give a try to DIY. Here's the free templates that I use for my polka dots party hat. You may click on the template below to download the jpeg file. You can buy stretchy thread at your craft store and 100g paper work very fine for this project!
Step by step:
Make sure your printer is pre-set to A4 paper size ok!
Simply cut the shape of the party hat!
Make single line cut on the dash line provided.
Fold the it to make a cone shape.
Slip the small extra edge in the single line cut you made earlier and glue it!
Glue the circle birthday tag in front of the hat or other decoration u like!
Attach a stretchy thread so that the party hat will sit properly on kids head!
Happy party!
The A4 size template!
Anaz wearing the polka dots party hat @ Yasmin Shortcake Birthday Party last Nov.
It's been a while since I actively updating all my craft stuff here. I recently fin a crocheted hair clip and a felt french clip for one of my customer, El. Hope both looks great on her 3m baby this Christmas. Well, another 8 days to 2010.
I would like to thanks to all customers who had ordered and waiting for their orders to be completed by me this weekend hehehe! 2009 has been a bless for me and 2010 will be more merrier i hope! Lots of things waiting for me next year. Things like leaving my office job, leaving all my beloved friends that I love a lot... leaving the routine that I've been used to for few years back. Owh I hate when my entry sounds melancholy. Ok it's time to be happie! happie! happie! Ok i'll be straight forward here's the good news! Non are bad news ok!
Recently i found myself 6 weeks pregnant - Wohooo!!! Horray to the new little peanut in me!
I'll be moving to Denver next year, it's time to be pregnant as a WAHM and have a long maternity leave hahaha! InsyaAllah I'll be going around April. Why I'm moving? My hubby further his master at Denver University...don't worry it's not that long... just 15 months :D - Weheeeee! Lots of expected and unexpected things waiting there... Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya...Aminn.
I'll do a clearance sale of all my items in Moleygarden. Lots of other stuff that's not yet uploaded - All things must go ladies! Once start I'll announce here and send email to all my customers.
I'm planning to offer a personal shopper services to anyone who would love to buy things from US! Designer Fabrics? Patterns? Craft stuff? Apparels? Perfume? Bags? Make up? - See how the situation goes once I land my feet there lah kan? Hehehe!
Ok..sape penah mkn potato pintal2 nih? This is the most delicious street food i ever tasted! Sedap gile! Sprinkle of chesee, mayo skit then chili sauce....Nyummm nyumm! Tingin nak mkn ni tapi.... kene pi Jln. TAR nun baru jumpe..tade ke org jual kat area2 Putrajaya ker, SK ker... Cyberjaya ker... Nak buat sendiri kene carik jln mcmana nak potong jd spiral. Last time I saw the lady who sold this use some kind of special machine that able to cut the whole potato into spiral. Hemmm...sedap sedap sedap!
We held a birthday party for Yasmin last Nov. It was belated for her but anyway she did have a great time with friends that came to her Strawberry Shortcake Party. I managed to make a party hat for all kids. White with red pink polka dots.
SS theme cake from LittleWhiz. Yummy!
Birthday girls.
Tisha with SS...see the table cloth tak sempat nak di jahit tepi ..lantak lah ahahah!
Tutu ordered from Twirl Princess
I take out the green tulle because it looks like light blue in real.
Scene 1: Cakap² Min: Mama...min nak kencing la. Mama: Pa..tolong pa bawak die pi toilet sat. Papa: Ala.. Min: Tanak..tanak..min tak kencing ngn papa..nanti papa "cakap-cakap"
*I wonder.."cakap-cakap"? Ape tu?
Papa: Dah dah..cepat bukak seluar tu. Min: Nanti..nanti mimin kencing, papa "cakap-cakap" lagi. Tamau. Nak kencing ngn mama
*Papa dah heret mimin pi toilet. Dari jauh dgr mimin ckp dlm toilet.
Mimin: Eh..papa tak "cakap-cakap" laaa..(Suara happy)
Mama: "Cakap-cakap" tu apa pa? (terpinga²) Papa: Smlm die kencing tempias kene seluar papa, papa bebel la nanti papa nak kene cuci seluar, tukar seluar, cuci kaki....bla..bla..(repeat balik bebel smlm..)
*Kesahnyer..."cakap-cakap" = membebel. Sopannya bahasa anak daraku. Heharap sampai besor la yer ahahha! Amin.
Scene 2: Tolong ..please.. Sejak dua menjak min boleh disuruh² nih mcm best plak ade pembantu ahahh! "Min tolong mama min.... min tolong ini.. n please..". Min tgh main atas sofa n toys die jatuh tak jauh pon dari sofa tu. Ala² 2-3 jengkal je boleh capai.
Min: Mama..toys mimin jatuh laaaaaa...tolong mama..please mama.. (sambil jari tunjuk kat toys yg tak sampai 2-3 jengkal boleh dicapai tu ngn mata bersinar² dgn harapan mama tolong amikkan) Mama: Yer la ..yela! (tgh tgk Melor Jr. aih... kene tuko style ni)
Scene 3: Sorry mama! Sejuk nyer hati bile dgr walopon satu jug air tumpah atas carpet!
Min: Mimin nak jus nenek la mama.. (owh nenek suka bekalkan kordial cosway utk min kalo balik setapak..tangerine, markisa..oren..sedap!) Mama: Kejap aa...mama nak send email ni. Min: Cepat la mama..! Mama: Ok..ok ...
*Alang² dh bancuh buat la satu jug boleh minum byk kali. Yg best letak plak jug kat side table tepi sofa. Mama back to the email ..www thingy. Surfing² berbackgroundkan lagu SS. Tetiba...
Mimin: Ala!!!! Sowwie mama! Sowwie mama! sowwieee! (Air dlm jug dah tinggal 1/4 jer...nak marah tk jadi...) Mama: Min tolong amik towel cepat!!!
Scene 3: Kejap aaa..kejap aaa.. Ni mmg my tagline. See scene 1.
Mama: Min..cepat bukak baju mandi, nanti Farissa, Icha sampai mimin lom mandi. Malu laaa! Min: Kejap mama.. kejap aa.. Mimin nak tgk Yo Gaba-gaba! (Sambil pegang remote ..ala nak tuko channel..) Mama: Minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! cepattttt! Jgn nk temberang mama la..Yo Gaba² tu pagi aje ni dah nk mlm nih cepattttttttttt!
Selamat Hari Raya! Yasmin wearing her Polkadots Kurung, fabric bought from Snazzysuch. Korkers, of course handmade by her mom and crocheted flower brooch by me too!
I'm in the midst on planning Yasmin 3rd bithday party. She'll be sharp 3 next 14th Oct. Lately she's so into Strawberry Shortcake. No more Barney...Backyardigans... Little Einstein. Of course her party will be Strawberry Shortcake (SS) theme.
Ideas...ideas..ideas..found these with the assistance of Mr. Google.
She's so crazy about SS because:
She made me buy her a set of SS shower gel, shampoo, cologne, hand wash and body lotion that has SS on the bottles.
She almost make me buy a cushion pillow that has SS on it but I didn't.
She has more than 8 of SS coloring books.
She stick more than 10 SS stickers underneath my recliner that I already don't bother to take it off.
She has almost SS VCD collection. Even my hubby knew which one we already bought because she made us watched them again and again and again.
She remember dialogs in the videos.
And yes.... she's Strawberry Shortcake and I always got to be the Orange Blossom or Blueberry Muffin.
She has that "parkinson" (that's what my girls during study call when u see something u like and u really want to buy it feeling) reaction when she saw anything with SS or strawberry.
Since I'm the planner, more or less I caught by the fever too. I have SS as my desktop wallpaper right now ahahha!
Tepek skit pictures mase raya hal2 yg sewaktu dengannya. Jgn lah tanye kenapa baru nak update. Ingatkan dh terkubur eh blog ni? Hehehe.
Selamat Hari Raya dari kami.
Antara pics mase kawan2 dtg umah mkn² last week. Menu - Nasi Carrot (alhamdulillah menjadik), Acar timun masak (hampeh rupe je lawa..rasa tak bes..tak jd sgt), Qurma ayam (boleh la..1st attempt), Sosej ayam tanpa henti, Gajor, Kek Sponge Cheese, Teh O Panas, Jus Oren dan kuih rayer.
Min n me
Min jamming
Fara n Farissa
Nellie and Farissa
Finalist Pasangan Bahagia 2009
Nora, Nellie, Farissa and Bob
The wives
Rex, Iszad & Fazril
Semua main sampai nangis.
Jun and Nellie
Kak Aida and Qila. See she's wearing my handmade korker!
*Credit to photographer of the night - Chino. Thanks chin!
Hah! Finally I've uploaded some of the design of hair clips - Korkers, Felt Clips and Crocheted Flowers to my shop. To order click here. Some already sold out! Selling fast as expected! So hurry grab yours!
These are korkers ordered by my dearly officemates!
Haaa.... lame jugak tak berentry. Salam ramadhan kepada semua harap tak terlewat. Okes, here I added pic. felt clips and korkers bows that i made for friends and some readers last few weeks. Those who would like to order for Hari Raya can do so by email me at mamamelor (at) gmail (dot) com. Prices range are from RM7-RM20. I'll be adding this items to online shop this weekend. All clips and bows in this page are strictly handmade by me. . Feast for the eyes!
Hip hip horrreeyyy! Ok this is the first time i join gift swap! Organized by Alexis, My Mama Made It. She split the exhange into two category..one for those within US and another is open to International, for those who are willing to sent their package to international address. If you happened to click on the link...iyyup, I did... post the sort of dumb ques haha! But nvm. This is how it works (baru je paham lepas Alexis explain ahaha)... the person who commented before you, will send you a package and you will be sending a package to the person who commented after your comment.
Haaaaa...(faham?) and I join the International Gift Exchange. This is the best part for me ..the person who will be sending me a package is Charlottes, who write her blog in Limburgs languange, from Netherlands i guess? .. and I'll be sending my package to BJ Mama from US. Naaa.. here's the tricky part.. I never know what will i get and what i send is a surprise package to BJ Mama!
Then... what's inside the package?
Here's what we're going to do. Put together a package of whatever you want in it. Make sure that its usable things that you think someone else would enjoy, something YOU would want to get. (Obviously, pertaining to sewing.) Edited: In regards to size, make sure it is at least an 8.5x11 size envelope(the actual size, not business envelopes)
Sounds interesting rite? Haaa.....best kan? best kan? (Syok sendiri ahhaa..!)
Busy with my korker ribbons + felt + crochet + #w&or%k(*#^! . Will upload korkers for sale to MG within this week. Watch out for korkers to match baju raya your princess! Here's some sneak preview!
Will be attach to french clip by default. If you preferred to attach to barratte or aligator clip or hair band ..or head band no problem as long as I have the material in stok hihi!
Hait hait! Sorry I'm late. Ok here are the winner for this week! I believe everyone will get something from this give away ahah! Perhaps, I foresee there'll be left over on the giveaway items!
Okie dokie..it's time to draw the winners for Week 1 of August Giveaway! I use random.org to do the work. Congratulation to Aliff Aqill and Soo Mei! Your name will be taken out from the list since both of you already won something :D this is to be fair to others who join this giveaway ok!
Female mag for Aliff Aqill and Deco Venus Volume 2 for Soo Mei! Ok 2 down...6 items to go! Winners email me your shipping add at mamamelor (at) gmail.com yah!
Ok! Akhirnya merdeka dari beban conduct training storyboarding dari minggu lepas utk UTHM dan 3 org professor from King Saud University. Mmg tak sempat langsung nk pegang brg2 menjahit. Smlm je angkut Janome ke opis..tu pon sbb nak guna sbgai prop. shooting video utk prototype content. So mlm ni Melor nak abiskan hutang Hotmama Pouch yg. customer order dari minggu lepas tak sempat nak dijahit.
Melor minta maaf pada semua yg. order atas kelewatan ni dan pada yg email mereka belom dibalas, melor akan reply secepat mungkin. Esok hari mengepos order². Pada yg. ada order brg. Melor akan emailkan Poslaju ref. no ok dear!
Kene susun balik jadual kerje opis dan hal-hal Moleygarden. Walopon masih byk yg menanti akan ku selesaikan satu persatu. Same la mcm tak merdeka jugak kan? Hahah! Papelah. Sabtu lak kene keje, convo MMU. Hadap aje lah.
Ok last 01.08.09 is 3rd Moleygarden anniversary. I'll be having a giveaway, in conjunction of 3 years of serving mothers who loves baby wearing. Rasa mcm baru je lagi jahitkan pouch utk my 1st customer. So what's the prizes? There'll be few items for the giveaway!
2 pairs mini korker bows attach to French clip : 2 winners, 1 pair for each winner.
(see the ribbon above? pick 3 colors combination of your choice!)
1 crocheted flower with felt hair clip attach to barrette.
Pick me! One only!
2 Moleygarden.com 15% discount cupon! - 1 cupon for each winner Slash over slash! (If items already on sale you will get additional 15% discount!)
Total of 8 prizes to be won. There'll be 8 winners. I have change the duration of give away. Giveaway will run for 4 weeks from 04.08.09 - 31.08.09. There'll be 2 winners each week. These are what you have to do!
Write an entry about this giveaway in your blog and link us back. Left your link in the comment area.
And...forward this giveaway to 5 of your friends who might want to enter this giveaway! cc your email to mamamelor (at) gmail.com. - change (at) to @ (i write in that format just to avoid spam :D)
That's all!
I will announce winner on 10 August 2009!, 17 August 2009, 24 August 2009 and 31 August 2009.
For 10 August 2009: Giveaway item are 1 Female Mag and 1 Deco Venus!