Dalam kekalutan tsunami di ofis sejak 2 menjak ni sempat jugak saya sajikan telinga ni dengan 2-3 jenis bunyik dengan harapan ombak tsunami yang melanda tu dapat di tahan. What I've been listening last one month? Here's the list:-
1. 7 Habits CD - Dapat mase pi training 7 habits bulan lepas. CD Audio dan DVD (videos) disertakan dalam work book (pic) yang diberi mase traning dulu. Walopon Stephen Convey tu dah tua, tapi suara dia yg terang dan jelas tu mmg sedap di dengar.
2. ARIAS - Byk lagu dlm cd ni yang tak pernah saya dengar tapi mmg kene dengan taste saya hehehe! Org lain yg tak minat mungkin tido atau bosan kot.
3. Essential Music - Alunan music semata. Semua best²... rasa mcm duduk dlm spa tak pun tepi sungai dan tgk air mengalir cheeewahh.
Saya ripped sesiap cd-cd ni sbb senang nak tinggalkan cd dlm kereta. Owh lupa, kalau sebelum ni Yasmin asyik suh pasang CD Barney atau GeniusKids skang lagu² Arias pon die dah boleh angkat hahah!
*owh spa-q dah tamat semalam.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"Quranic Law of Attraction" by Rusdin S. Rauf |
"The secret is the law of attraction!
Everything that's coming into your life are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you" - Bob Proctor
The Law of Attraction by Micheal J. Losier and The Secret by Rhonda Bryne, mungkin ada yang dah pernah dengar atau baca 2 buku yang ni. I read both book last year. Lepas habis bace kedua-dua buku tu tahun lepas, terdetik dlm fikiran and I said to my husband; "Kan bagus kalau ade somebody yg. boleh kupaskan isi buku² dari point of view Islam berlandaskan Quran". Thru my reading I knew deep inside these books ..intipatinya mmg telah disentuh dalam Al-Quran dan ajaran Islam.
Akhirnya, hari ini 26 March 2009 penantian dan impian untuk melihat buku yang mengupas law of attraction berdasarkan ummul kitab sanjungan kita Al-Quran termakbul. Alhamdulillah ada akhirnya hamba Allah yang melunaskan tuntutan fardhu kifayah untuk kebaikan sejagat. Rasa mcm tak percaya bila tengok buku ni dari luar dinding kaca MPH. Sebenarnya ada cerita yang ironi tentang penemuan buku ni tapi saya simpanlah untuk diri sendiri takut nanti jadi kes salah laku pulak heheh! Cukuplah sekadar saya ckp pagi tadi seblum berjumpa buku ni saya mmg dalam proses membaca buku The Secret utk 2nd round. Tanpa fikir panjang, saya beli 2, harganya pun tak mahal mungkin sebab bukan hardcover, hanya RM13.90. Satu untuk saya which will goes into inventory library family and satu lagi untuk you-know-who, a person so dear to my heart. Ni ade 1-2 pic yang saya dapat snap pakai tepon spa-Q tu. (saya mmg gile spa-q walaupun jalan ceritanya hampeh.. iklan jap :P)
Covernyer lebih kurang design The Secret
Karya Rusdin S. Rauf, penulis dari Jakarta. Asalnya buku ini dalam bahasa indonesia, diterjemahkan dalam bahasa melayu. Ni Edisi Malaysia oleh PTS Millennia Sdn. Bhd.
Untuk pengetahuan umum saya bukanlah ulat buku. Cuma membaca mengikut keinginan hati. Kalau sesiapa yang dalam pencarian buku mungkin kombinasi The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, The Law of Attraction by Micheal J. Losier dan Quranic Law of Attraction by Rusdin adalah trilogy yang sangat menarik untuk dimiliki.
Makanya hari ini rahsia saya selama setahun lebih bersama "law of attraction" bukan lagi rahsia dan alhamdulillah 27 tahun sebagai muslim ternyata mmg sesuatu yang indah. Syukran. Nanti dah habis baca karya Rusdin kalau senang akan saya kongsi di sini.
*kata ganti nama pertama "saya" buat saya rasa kecil dan rendah diri. :)
Makanya hari ini rahsia saya selama setahun lebih bersama "law of attraction" bukan lagi rahsia dan alhamdulillah 27 tahun sebagai muslim ternyata mmg sesuatu yang indah. Syukran. Nanti dah habis baca karya Rusdin kalau senang akan saya kongsi di sini.
*kata ganti nama pertama "saya" buat saya rasa kecil dan rendah diri. :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hutang Taggy |
Oklah aku nak bayo utang tag dari Ms. Elma Aduera.
It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real…nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
- What is your name : MELOR
- A five Letter Word : Money & Mummy!
- A boy’s Name : Maliq (Walopon pronounce same mcm Malik..i like! Kalo ade boy esok aku kasik name ni)
- A girl’s Name : Melissa (Demam Spa Q)
- An occupation : Moneymaker (money..money..money!)
- A color : Merah
- Something you’ll wear : Mutiara
- A food : Masak Lemak Cili Padi (sodapppp...)
- Something found in the bathroom: My toothbrush?
- A reason for being late : Mind your own business ok.
- Something you’d shout : Marveleous!!!!
- A movie title : Maria, mariana (pls forgive me...muahah!)
- Something you drink : Milo (setiap pagi isnin - jumaat, weekend are for tea :p)
- A musical group : Money M? (so into Boney M)
- An animal : Musang
- A type of car : Molvo? (For life..)
- The title of a song : Money M - My the Miver of Mabylon
Farah. Kak Keh. Kak Fadh. Kak Aida.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Kabinet Bayangan |
I know the title sound a little bit political but that's not what I mean. I'm referring to my soon-to-be-own aka kalau ade rezeki kitchen cabinet heheh! Well we've been to few shops in Bangi so far we have 3 quotation in hand but after been inform by Kak Keh that she's getting a good price for her wet kitchen from one shop in Puchong, perhaps we should go one round get quotation from shops in Puchong too. I draft this "kabinet bayangan" in illustrator just now while Yasmin enjoying her Mr. Barney!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Jahit tudung sendiri beb! |
Iyyer betul aku jahit sendiri tudung nih! Korang sure terkezut kan akak' jahit tudung ekin sendiri hahah! Thanks to Misa (Visit blog misa utk pre-order tudung ariani home-made) tolong belikan kain keras berpelekat utk awning tu. Kalo tak, tak menjadi ler tudung nih heheh! Actually tujuan sebenor ialah nak tukar awning2 tudung RM10 yang aku beli kat Pasar Siang-Malam Putrajaya tuh. Aku kasi nama pasar siang-malam sebab flea market tu start siang sampai malam every Tuesday n Friday.
Mmg terkial2 gak ler mula2 sbb main taram je saiz awning ngan body tu. Jersey tu beli kat Kamdar 2 minggu lepas mase pi carik kain utk awning. Inilah hasilnyer. Owh lupey... aku tak jahit tepi sbb tade mesin jahit tepi n malas nk pi anto kedai jahit tepi solution nyer aku pakai stich ala2 jahit tepi yang ade pade mesin Janome tu. Kire ok lah tade sape nk telek pon hehehe!
Ni gambo2 nyer..nanti aku tepek gambo aku pakai tudung ni ok.
Mmg terkial2 gak ler mula2 sbb main taram je saiz awning ngan body tu. Jersey tu beli kat Kamdar 2 minggu lepas mase pi carik kain utk awning. Inilah hasilnyer. Owh lupey... aku tak jahit tepi sbb tade mesin jahit tepi n malas nk pi anto kedai jahit tepi solution nyer aku pakai stich ala2 jahit tepi yang ade pade mesin Janome tu. Kire ok lah tade sape nk telek pon hehehe!
Ni gambo2 nyer..nanti aku tepek gambo aku pakai tudung ni ok.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Last Month |
Hallu walluuuuu people!!! Sebulan tak berentry. Byk yang berlaku sebulan lepas. Dari opis hinggalah ke rumah.
First thing first, kunci casa impianku dah dapat horey ehehe! Skang kitaorg tgh sibuk pilih design dapur. 2 minggu lepas En. Khairi, tokey grill Wazurai kat Sg. Merab tu dah datang ukurkan tingkap, pintu untuk buat grill. Cuma kitaorg je belom berkesempatan nak pi finalize design grill. Mase ukur mengukur ari tu kitaorg minat ngn design grill jalur² simple or design bunga padi. Lepas dh byk kali tgk design bunga padi ngn yang type jalur² tu... rasanya we'll choose yg jalur² tu kot. Nanti kalo dh siap grill nyer I'll put pic. here.
Another good thing happen in Feb was, I attended 3 days training about 7 Habits of Highly Affective People. Fully sponsored by the company and it was conducted by FranklinCovey Malaysia. It's was the most tremendous 3 days in my life so far heheh! I almost miss that training at first due to tons of workloads waiting on my table, but as what my hubby said in the morning of the first day training, " kerje tu sampai mati pon tak abis yang... but this training ade lagi ker next time?...and it's free somemore". Without doubt I masuk office, left all the pending work and join my dear friend Farah pi training tu. Lots of things that i learned from those 3 days. All things we discussed are common sense but like the trainer said... " When common sense is not a common practice, it's no longer a common thing". So mmg terkene atas batang hidung lah. Kalau nk cerita apa yg di kami discussed mmg pjg lebar ler entry nih. It cost RM2k plus per person for this training. I got the 7 Habits Work Book (Manual, 1 DVD, I Audio CD) and a huge Franklin Covey Organizer. Memang berbaloi! I take the risk left my work semata utk attend that training. Maybe some day I'll share more about those 7 Habits. Kat sini i just list a bit ok! For more boleh lah google :P.
First thing first, kunci casa impianku dah dapat horey ehehe! Skang kitaorg tgh sibuk pilih design dapur. 2 minggu lepas En. Khairi, tokey grill Wazurai kat Sg. Merab tu dah datang ukurkan tingkap, pintu untuk buat grill. Cuma kitaorg je belom berkesempatan nak pi finalize design grill. Mase ukur mengukur ari tu kitaorg minat ngn design grill jalur² simple or design bunga padi. Lepas dh byk kali tgk design bunga padi ngn yang type jalur² tu... rasanya we'll choose yg jalur² tu kot. Nanti kalo dh siap grill nyer I'll put pic. here.
Another good thing happen in Feb was, I attended 3 days training about 7 Habits of Highly Affective People. Fully sponsored by the company and it was conducted by FranklinCovey Malaysia. It's was the most tremendous 3 days in my life so far heheh! I almost miss that training at first due to tons of workloads waiting on my table, but as what my hubby said in the morning of the first day training, " kerje tu sampai mati pon tak abis yang... but this training ade lagi ker next time?...and it's free somemore". Without doubt I masuk office, left all the pending work and join my dear friend Farah pi training tu. Lots of things that i learned from those 3 days. All things we discussed are common sense but like the trainer said... " When common sense is not a common practice, it's no longer a common thing". So mmg terkene atas batang hidung lah. Kalau nk cerita apa yg di kami discussed mmg pjg lebar ler entry nih. It cost RM2k plus per person for this training. I got the 7 Habits Work Book (Manual, 1 DVD, I Audio CD) and a huge Franklin Covey Organizer. Memang berbaloi! I take the risk left my work semata utk attend that training. Maybe some day I'll share more about those 7 Habits. Kat sini i just list a bit ok! For more boleh lah google :P.
- Habit 1 - Be Proactive: The habit of choice. I'm what I choose to be.
- Habit 2 - Begin With the End of Mind: The habit of vision. I live my life by my own road map, not by default...stop live your life on auto-pilot mode people wake up!
- Habit 3 - Put First Thing First: The habit of integrity and execution. Know your priorities.
- Habit 4 - Think Win-Win: The Habit of mutual benefit. I win, you win..let's have a drink!
- Habit 5 - Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood: The habit of mutual understanding. Nak orang lain paham kita..kenalah kita faham orang lain dulu.
- Habit 6 - Synergize: The habit of creative cooperation. 1 + 1 = 3 or more... 1 brain, 1 idea.. 2 brain can produce thousands!
- Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw: The habit of renewal. In order to keep producing golden eggs you have to nurture the golden goose. You're the golden goose. Jaga kesihatan, upgrade your skill, learning new things, don't repeat your past mistakes etc. Else you will end up producing telur tembelang eheh!
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