To update on my so called "Year-end-self-rewarding-project"..The Bling² Project. I done some study on the design that i like. I have started on the first part of the project. I went to Midvalley few days ago with the MGs and my sister, Nurin. She stay at my house until last Wednesday. We had a dinner at the Chili's. After the dinner, we walk around and i found this one small kiosk selling stickers, they sell rhinestone sticker for phone too. I bought some with the price RM13.90 each. Then i can't wait to start blings the crystal casing i bought few days before that.
I made a mistake, i thought that i have take the measurement etc. As i almost complete sticking the sticker on the case, i soon realize that i had a problem at the edges area. Will post some picture here later on. I left my Cybershot at the office. It looks nice but not yet 100% completed.
Along the way of trying to find solution for the first bling attempt, i realized that to DIY the bling² it takes some patience.. urmm not some but LOTS of patience. Why? Here's my findings:
1. To arrange those 2-3mm stone, one by one is not that easy. Naik terbuntang bijik mate! Alangkan nk tampal yg sticker type pon jenuh mengukur, bukan boleh main tepek jer ahahaha! FYI, I haven't yet start on the "one-by-one" part since the supplier for swarovski stone said that the new stock will be coming this Dec. But sure it's like working with pixels.
2. Plan..plan plan.. I measured the size of my leather case, which i choose to bling my pouch instead of stick those blings on my phone... but i took me almost 5000 pcs of 2mm stone to blings whole case, then i try to find alternative. If i were to bling the crystal case, (which also a good solution) i need approx 2500pcs which i think less stone means less budget and less sakit mata. But another problem come... As for the leather case option the surface that i need to bling just a flat square area compared to crystal case... i'll be challenge by the round edges and shapes. So.. How? Think , think ..and think...
3. I come out with 2-3 design for this blings project..i do it in Illustrator. Once i have the designs ready, i'll arrange the 2mm/3mm circle on the design.. so that i can estimate total stones i need. I know i sounds crazy for doing this.. but when i do it .. i want to do it right and i'm a newbie bling DIY ok!
So based on my findings... opps.. i heard car honking hubby is here. See ya.. i'll continue soon! Have a great weekend!
*Sambungan dari rumah:
So based on my findings, i need to carefully plan and byk bersabo. Those who yg. would like to try the sticker type, I found a blogshop that sell stickers, all sorts of stickers including rhinestones sticker. It's not a swarovski crystal but looks like swarovski and bling less than swarovski. You can visit The Sticker Monster Blogshop and see her sticker collections. Price also not that expensive compared to those sell rhinestone sticker in forum and the one i bought at Midvalley. She sell only RM8 persticker. I have ordered some from the seller (based in Kedah) will show the outcomes here soon too!
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