Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sewing Party!

Let's have party! This is not just regular party.... this is Sewing Party! Yes...S-E-W-I-N-G Party. Organized by Ms. Zila Kasim aka my guru, she's a very resourceful person hehe! So anyone interested?

Venue : UPM or Bangi - To be confirmed..
Date : 26 Julai 2009 (Sunday) - To be confirmed..
Time : 11am to 5pm
  1. Fee: RM10 for each participant to sew Long Wallet. Pls. bring along your own equipment and machine.
  2. Venue rental RM10 (organizer will pay to the venue owner since we're using their space and electric!)
  3. For those would like to join but didn't have machine, pls. inform the organizer in advance. You can rent the machine from EPAL at RM15 per machine.
  4. Food - Pot Luck! Pls. inform the organizer food that you plan to bring.
  5. Participant are allowed to have selling and buying session! So, pls bring if you have anything to sell - readymade tudung, sewing kits, fabrics...etc lah and bring extra cash of course! Hehehe!
To bring list for Long Purse project (You can buy during the party session if you want) :
  • 2 designs/colors of 100% cotton fabric - 1/2m each.
  • Kain Gam (yg sedang² keras)
  • Zip - Size 3 or4 inch.
  • Buttons (kalu x de sgt bawa butang ketip sahaja dan butang hiasan)
  • Mahjong paper or Kertas minyak to draw the template.
  • Your sewing note book.
If interested kindly drop the email to
*I'll be joining of course - insyaAllah. See you there!


HelloChello said...

wah wah! kak zila ye buat.. july kn? wah cm nk join je heee rmi2 syiok gk! mail me for details ye

Unknown said...

erk slh lak.. nih blog skin tergne google account org len lak

Unknown said...


will let kak zila know ok! I've sent your email to her. Added your blog to mine too! Heheh!

Unknown said...

Hi Melor, love your blog. do u know any similar classes conducted in Penang?