Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Feast for the eyes!

Will be busy the whole week sampai weekend ngn keje opis huhu! Tapi ngulor jap nk upload pics kasi u all cuci mate! My ribbons arrived from Hong Kong today! Another Ebay shopping spree heheh.. i buy from Vivien. Very nice and helpful seller.

From Ribbons!
Jgn jeles yer :p! 3 sizes - 3/8, 5/8 and 7/8. Each sizes have 35 colors and each colors have 5 yards. Total yard..? Multiply lah sendiri yer hehehe.

From Ribbons!
All are for my bows project for this coming Hari Raya! Stay tune ok! Will upload sample design to my shop in another...2 weeks time. (busy bee!)

From Korker Bows
Done some bows last week for Yasmin.

From Korker Bows

From Korker Bows
Medium korker bows for Hari Raya everyone?
Looking for something to match the little princess baju kurung?
Heheh..! Korker bows will be perfect!

From Korker Bows

From Korker Bows
My not-so-little-anymore-princess - Yasmin Alia.

On 01.08.09 is 3rd Moleygarden anniversary. I'll be having a giveaway, in conjunction of 3 years of serving mothers who loves baby wearing. Rasa mcm baru je lagi jahitkan pouch utk my 1st customer. So what's the prizes? There'll be few items for the giveaway!
  1. 3 books - 1 Female (Pattern for ladies garment), 2 Japanese Bling² Art (Swarovski Hot Fix)
  2. 2 pairs mini korker bows attach to French clip. (see the ribbon above? pick 3 colors combination of your choice!)
  3. 1 crocheted flower with felt hair clip attach to barrette. (Check my entry before)
  4. 2 Moleygarden.com 15% discount cupon! (If items already on sale you will get additional 15% discount!)
Total of 8 prizes to be won. There'll be 8 winners. Will upload pics of prizes and the term and conditition to join this giveaways next week - 01.08.09 (Moleygarden.com birthday heheh!).
Giveaway win run for 8 days from 01.08.09 - 08.08.09. Ohh... i just love 8.

*My hubby birthday also on 1st Aug!


Misa said...

banyaaaaaaaaaaak nye ribbooooon.. sluuuurp..!!

Anonymous said...

hurry2 dear melor, cant wait to know wut shud i do to win thooose giveaways.hahha!