Monday, April 26, 2010

Seminggu di Denver, CO, US.

It's been a while since my last entry with valuable input :). Today genap seminggu menetap di Denver. Lots of interesting story to share since Mimin and me arrived. From food to weather and etc lah. I'll make a list then we'll see which one i'll write first heheh!
  1. 1st groceries shopping at Super Target
  2. 1st visit at Mountain Midwifery Center (place where i'll be deliver my baby through water birth method)
  3. Snow rain...
  4. Tornado warning! should we run to the basement? Hahaha!
  5. Looking for toddler formula in Denver? Mimpi lah!
  6. Bought used clothes lot for Mimin on Ebay
  8. 2 days getaway at Disneyland LA
  9. Craiglist in Denver
  10. Hidup utk. makan atau makan untuk hidup?
  11. List will continue after I've completed 1-10 :P
Owh btw... i'm still in the midst of redesigning my blog. So pls. bear with me. Saje bile dh tade keje mulalah mencarik kerja.

View from our balcony. Mimin da sangap mcm mama die.


lily lotus said...

enjoy ur life there! take care yer...

Melor Rahman said...

thanks lily!