Bile cakap pasal tantrums, I mmg surrender ler dgn Min. Penah jugak 5-6 kali (bukan sekali dua ok ahha) biarkan je Min berguling atas lantai shopping mall. Pendek kata most shopping mall kat KL nih penah Min landing. Alamanda, Jusco Equine, Mines, Sunway, Ikano, The Curve, MidValley...etc lah. de je yg tak kene. Paling latest, last Monday with spot plg best, entrance Kinokuniya KLCC. Bukan setakat baring guling² jer, disertakan skali plak pekikkan, hempas² badan atas lantai dan yg paling best she shout "Mama! Nak! Mama! Nak!. Mmg sah² la org carik mama nyer. Kalo ikutkan hati mmg nk biakan. Tapi sbb Kino tu agak aman damai, suara si kecik memekik lagi kuat dari background music kat dlm Kino.
Owh..lupa nk ckp die menjerit kat Kino tu sbb nakkan beads craft set. Walhal die dh sakan shortlisted buku yg die sendiri ckp nak. Alih² mase nk bayar die nampak plak colorful beads dlm box. Utk budak yg dh besar 4-5 years boleh la. Dh ckp no pon tak mkn saman. Habis die menggelupur, tahan je lah sabo. Pujuk punya pujuk..masuk restoran Al-Marjan. Diam. Sbb dpt makan cookies.
Balik jer rumah, online. I found this article about taming toddler tantrums from Very useful. Kebetulan this morning my dear Farah shared a video, Farissa making a scene at Toys 'r Us Subang sebijik mcm Min cuma Farissa sopan tak jerit²! Owh dear Farah, welcome to the club. Nk tgk video si chubby Farissa mengamuk click link I letak tu.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mak lain², Bapak asing² |
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tersalah ajaran...ish! ish! |
Ok... it's fun & proud see your little ones say things that you've taught them. But this one, I made a mistake and I'm not proud of it. Lepas kemas space for Min few weeks ago I had recorded a video which I stupidly with confident teach Yasmin about shapes. Guess you watch the video and got what i mean! OMG. Mama dah salah cakap la Min! Hahahah! Takpe nanti mama ajar yang betul ok! Sorry dear. I do make mistake. Huh?
Apa yg tale beli online nowadays? Mcm² ada! |
I admit what ever I bought for Yasmin is apart of my childhood dream. It's sound silly but... Yes it's hahah! What everlah :p. I got this kitchen for her since she pon suke main masak² with her papa. Papa pon antara chef makanan plastic yg hebat ehehe! Comes with the stall are few plastic coins, few plactics fruits, pot, 2 plate and there's an oven also attached with the stall.
Playdate! |
It's hectic week! Hurhh!
But today is a lovely-weekday-Friday, just nice to be followed with 4 days holiday yeay! So what else I do best? Wasting time over the net hahah!
Last Saturday we had a playdate at my apartment. Farah come with her cute girl - Farissa and Fai with the cute hero - Anas. Here're some pictures and video on that day! Enjoy!
But today is a lovely-weekday-Friday, just nice to be followed with 4 days holiday yeay! So what else I do best? Wasting time over the net hahah!
Last Saturday we had a playdate at my apartment. Farah come with her cute girl - Farissa and Fai with the cute hero - Anas. Here're some pictures and video on that day! Enjoy!
Colour Makes Me Happy! by

Host yang lokek...
I'm quit confuse why she act like that on that particular day. She used to share her toys with other kids ecspecially when my customer come to our house with their kids.

The caring and motherly princess - Farissa.
Sorry yer aunty sakat. Geram with your fair skin & chubby-ness!

Ball fanatic hero - Anas
He loves ball so much! Saya nk main ball je, yg lain tu saya tak heran sangat ahah!

Lepas penat main, perut pon da kenyang makan speghetti semua pengsan!

Sleeping cutey mama!
Host yang lokek...
I'm quit confuse why she act like that on that particular day. She used to share her toys with other kids ecspecially when my customer come to our house with their kids.
The caring and motherly princess - Farissa.
Sorry yer aunty sakat. Geram with your fair skin & chubby-ness!
Ball fanatic hero - Anas
He loves ball so much! Saya nk main ball je, yg lain tu saya tak heran sangat ahah!
Lepas penat main, perut pon da kenyang makan speghetti semua pengsan!
Sleeping cutey mama!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
DIY Peace-Of-Mind Magic Box |
I make this box few days back to keep Yasmin's magnetic alphabets & numbers. It only cost me RM2 for the wrapper that I bought last year. I forgot why I bought it eheh! It's useful now. Make full use of the wrapper you have. Remember to estimate the wrapper so that you'll have enough wrapper for the box lid too.

Bahan²: Wrapper, Scissor, Any box (shoe box), Selefon tape, Ruler & Cutter (not in the pic)

Step 1: Start with one side of the box like in the picture. I use selefon tape to make sure the wrapper stay still.

Step 2: Second, wrap the box as shown in the pic. Now I see the wrapper covers more than I want.

Step 3: I measure the area I want and cut the extra. I repeat what I've done at step 1 for this end of wrapper. Keep aside the extra wrapper, we can use it for the lid.

Ok, now I'm done for 2 sides of box. For another 2 sides, I have some extra so i need to cut it.

Step 4: I have measured and now is time to cut the extra. Do this for another side.

Now I just have to fold the wrapper to wrap the box and cover the white and green area.

Step 5: Once I try to fold the wrapper, there's some extra that will cause me a bit problem to get a nice corner cut. So what I do is... I use scissor and cut the it like in the picture. Then i proceed with wrapping with nice corner cut :).

Ok now i'm done with the box. If you enlarge the pic, I miss measure one side but it's ok for me. I use selefone tape to fix it. Now repeat Step 1-5 for the lid!

Ok dokie! I'm done with the 10 steps! Heheh! It took me 15-20mins.

Now you can put things like your childs colour pen, Legos, puzzles, flash cards & etc lah.

This is what I put in this box. Another piece of mind that I know 26 alphabets and 26 pcs of numbers is there every time Yasmin want to use it. Nice hah?! Try it for your kids!

Bahan²: Wrapper, Scissor, Any box (shoe box), Selefon tape, Ruler & Cutter (not in the pic)

Step 1: Start with one side of the box like in the picture. I use selefon tape to make sure the wrapper stay still.

Step 2: Second, wrap the box as shown in the pic. Now I see the wrapper covers more than I want.

Step 3: I measure the area I want and cut the extra. I repeat what I've done at step 1 for this end of wrapper. Keep aside the extra wrapper, we can use it for the lid.

Ok, now I'm done for 2 sides of box. For another 2 sides, I have some extra so i need to cut it.

Step 4: I have measured and now is time to cut the extra. Do this for another side.

Now I just have to fold the wrapper to wrap the box and cover the white and green area.

Step 5: Once I try to fold the wrapper, there's some extra that will cause me a bit problem to get a nice corner cut. So what I do is... I use scissor and cut the it like in the picture. Then i proceed with wrapping with nice corner cut :).

Ok now i'm done with the box. If you enlarge the pic, I miss measure one side but it's ok for me. I use selefone tape to fix it. Now repeat Step 1-5 for the lid!

Ok dokie! I'm done with the 10 steps! Heheh! It took me 15-20mins.

Now you can put things like your childs colour pen, Legos, puzzles, flash cards & etc lah.

This is what I put in this box. Another piece of mind that I know 26 alphabets and 26 pcs of numbers is there every time Yasmin want to use it. Nice hah?! Try it for your kids!
Rumahku No. 11 |
2 minggu lepas ajak hubby jenjalan pi tgk rumah yg dibeli tahun lepas secara tak sengaja di Kota Warisan, Sepang. 5-10min drive from Cyberjaya. Teres 2 tingkat 24 x 75 (build up 2300+- tak ingat), 3 + 1 bedroom. Jangka project siap March 2009. Setelah lame tak pi jenguk progress, ini lah yg. tesergam bile kitaorg sampai sane. I pick the house number mase pilih lot tanah dulu. Hehe! Like my birthday 11/11. Oklah tu. Syok sendiri. Heheh!

Papa posing ngn min yg tgh tido. There 11!

Papa posing ngn min yg tgh tido. There 11!

Tanah sekangkang kera hanya sebelah kiri ngn kanan garaj nih.Tgklah kalo rajin berkebun mcm dlm FB tu,boleh ler tanam apa² yg can fit in the small area eheheh!

Kene kongsi rebung ngn rumah orang sebelah. Takpe sharing is caring :P.Owh tiang lampu jalan just right in front of rumah jiran belah kiri. Hopefully cerah la skit rumah berkongsi lampu jalan hehe tu pon kalo lampu tu nyala. InsyaAllah.

Ni bahagian belakang rumah. Mmg sekangkang jugak tanahnyer. Pasan tak hujung nun ade wall. Tak paham gk sebenarnyer konsep tembok for every 2 blocks of house. Paper je lah. Ni pagar lom pasang.
Kalo tade aral April - May tahun nih bakal bergondong² pindah ke rumah baru nih. Tapi nk tgk keadaan gk..kalo ramai owner nk pindah boleh la kitaorg join. Takut gk bab² security nih..maklumlah depan umah tu ade 3 block rumah yg baru naik ceracak besi. Our block ni is the 2nd Phase, 1 phase dah ade org duduk and ceracak yg baru naik depan rumah tu 3rd phase. Banyak perkara menanti tahun ni, hurmm... banyak.
Kalo tade aral April - May tahun nih bakal bergondong² pindah ke rumah baru nih. Tapi nk tgk keadaan gk..kalo ramai owner nk pindah boleh la kitaorg join. Takut gk bab² security nih..maklumlah depan umah tu ade 3 block rumah yg baru naik ceracak besi. Our block ni is the 2nd Phase, 1 phase dah ade org duduk and ceracak yg baru naik depan rumah tu 3rd phase. Banyak perkara menanti tahun ni, hurmm... banyak.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ruang si kecik! |
Bangun pagi sabtu lepas rasa kepala berserabut teringatkan office. I'm not going to let office take away my weekend! Hiyaahh! Dush! Dush!Kasi karate itu semua and pls. go away..Senin esok jumpa balik ok! Heheh :)!
Dalam kemalasan hujung minggu sempat jugak buat 2-3 bende yg. agak berinput. Dah lame nk setupkan satu space utk letak perkakasn si kecik yang makin hari makin bertambah tu. Dari doodle board, kitchen set..books, toys, lego..etc. pening bile semuanya bersepah. We have small area in between the hall and rooms. More or less like a rest area. That's where we dump beg keje, beg sekolah min lepas balik keje. kat situ jugak lah book shelf, toys yasmin, my minnequin dummy for pouch and etc. Sayang tak ambil gambar this space before diubah. Takpa gunakan imaginasi korg...tempat yg ade numbers matt tu dulu ade standing fan lama yg dh rosak dan my bag keje, beg papanyer etc. On the other side, all min nyer toys sebelah book shelf timbun².
Selepas vacum lantai and alih mende² yg tak patut berjaya jadikan ruang tu utk si kecik melepak. Hasilnya nah.. tengoklah si kecik tu ala² gedik dan sakan sebab ade tempat utk main²!!
Okes, semua perkakasan dah siap!
Si kecik ni mmg suke bace buku, die tgh show off
kat korang.

"Mama jom tolushh!"
*Die selalu salah sebut "tulis"

Kidalku tiada padamu. Takpe ikut papa yer suke number.
Nanti byk duit kasi mama okes! Hahah! Keji tak?

Doodling on her hand.
Oklah at least ade gk darah creative.

Keep on scribbling! Go girl!
Laptop kecik tu birthday gift from
Uncle Ari, Aunt Izza & Tisha! Tqvm!!
Dalam kemalasan hujung minggu sempat jugak buat 2-3 bende yg. agak berinput. Dah lame nk setupkan satu space utk letak perkakasn si kecik yang makin hari makin bertambah tu. Dari doodle board, kitchen set..books, toys, lego..etc. pening bile semuanya bersepah. We have small area in between the hall and rooms. More or less like a rest area. That's where we dump beg keje, beg sekolah min lepas balik keje. kat situ jugak lah book shelf, toys yasmin, my minnequin dummy for pouch and etc. Sayang tak ambil gambar this space before diubah. Takpa gunakan imaginasi korg...tempat yg ade numbers matt tu dulu ade standing fan lama yg dh rosak dan my bag keje, beg papanyer etc. On the other side, all min nyer toys sebelah book shelf timbun².
Selepas vacum lantai and alih mende² yg tak patut berjaya jadikan ruang tu utk si kecik melepak. Hasilnya nah.. tengoklah si kecik tu ala² gedik dan sakan sebab ade tempat utk main²!!
Okes, semua perkakasan dah siap!
Si kecik ni mmg suke bace buku, die tgh show off
kat korang.
"Mama jom tolushh!"
*Die selalu salah sebut "tulis"
Kidalku tiada padamu. Takpe ikut papa yer suke number.
Nanti byk duit kasi mama okes! Hahah! Keji tak?
Doodling on her hand.
Oklah at least ade gk darah creative.
Keep on scribbling! Go girl!
Laptop kecik tu birthday gift from
Uncle Ari, Aunt Izza & Tisha! Tqvm!!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Tak sengaja. |
Sepagian berfikir dan menelek courseware. Penat. Rehat sekejap sambil menjengah bloggie rakan². Tak sengaja perpost entry ni. Heheh. Harap faham. Tak sengaja yang di sengajakan. Dalam serabut ribut kerja yang tak berapa nampak tu terclick blog Emo dan sengaja dengar byk kali lagu The Pierces - “Three Wishes”. Halwa telinga. Thanks Emo. Korang bolehlah dengan sengaja click sini utk dgr sendiri. Kalo minat layan la. Mmg best sampai tak sengaja terbang tinggi dan tinggalkan opis sekejap dan balik ke tahun 2003. 6 tahun yang lepas. Masa tu pertama kali dengan tak sengaja terdgr musik² ala² mcm ni.
Teringatkan satu band perempuan - Late Tuesday. Lagunya bagus² jugak. Kalau sengaja nak dgr sample² diorg nih click sini. Abis lenjan 10-15 kali lagu Three Pierces tu. Sambung lak ngn Late Tuesday. Baru teringat semua koleksi Late Tuesday ade dlm. hd yang kaput tak lama dulu. Rasa²nya dlm ipod mini pinky tu ade kot. Nanti balik aku kerjakan. Harap ade. Cukuplah terbang tinggi. Nanti tak sengaja jatuh sakit. Ok. Tak sengaja.
Teringatkan satu band perempuan - Late Tuesday. Lagunya bagus² jugak. Kalau sengaja nak dgr sample² diorg nih click sini. Abis lenjan 10-15 kali lagu Three Pierces tu. Sambung lak ngn Late Tuesday. Baru teringat semua koleksi Late Tuesday ade dlm. hd yang kaput tak lama dulu. Rasa²nya dlm ipod mini pinky tu ade kot. Nanti balik aku kerjakan. Harap ade. Cukuplah terbang tinggi. Nanti tak sengaja jatuh sakit. Ok. Tak sengaja.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Tagged by Kak Mailal Hayati aka jintanmanis |
1. Do you think you're hot?
*Owhh.. hot sangat! Hotmama! Hahahah!
2. Upload your favorite picture of you.
*Sila refer pada gambar profile.
3. Why do you like that picture?
*Ntah..senyum tu mcm feel content je. Puas. Cukup. Ni satu²nya gambar aku senyum bersama 2 baris gigi yang tak over do. Yang lain semua hampeh.
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
*26 Dec 2008. Sempena opening Domino Precint 8, Putrajaya. To be precise i ate Chicken Classic Double Cheese. Nyummm... jap nk tepon Domino.
5. The last song you listened to?
*Lagu Siti - Soundtrack Spa Q tu..ape ke tajuk nyer..
6. What are you doing now besides this?
Lap air milo tumpah atas meja. Dem..abih kene storyboard client.
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
People I tag:
1. Kak Keh
2. Farah
3. Kak Fadh
4. Jujus
5. Elmo
8. Who is number 1?
*Dah anggap sis ni mcm kakak sendiri. Satu opis. Meja pon sebelah je nih ha. Slalu share stori-mori anak², teman gelak, teman sedih. Jom tua bersama yer Kak Keh! Heheh!
9. Number 3 is having relationship with?
*Scandal die dasat, ade anak 2 org dah. Dah kawin ok! Hahaha. Jejaka pujaan Kak Fadh bernama Syed Syahrul Zarizi.
10. Say something about number 5
*Ini rakan serapat lama sejak study yang mempunyai ibu paling cool dlm dunia. Tutur katanya santun lemah lembut, wajahnya mmg ayu senyum simpul, tapi masih belum yang punya. Sesape nak buat menantu mmg sesuai sgtlah!
11. How about number 4?
*Ini pon rakan serapat sejak study. Paling suka bila Jue masak maggie ayam. Boleh menempel makan maggie ayam yang sedap. Sampai skang aku tak reti masak maggie ayam mcm Jue masak. Kental mcm pizza dan sedap, lemak telur ayam hancur mmg terasa sampai ke suapan terakhir. Tak banyak cakap dan lebih suka memerhati. Salah seorang rakan yang akan bercakap bile die rasa perlu. Cool.
12. Who is number 2?
*She's my 2nd Bree in the office. The only colleague yang ada bunyi tapak kaki consistent. Dari jauh lagi org dah tau die dtg. A passionate mother dan kaki shopping ecspe. baju budak n toys so kalo ade sale kasi tau Farah!
*Owhh.. hot sangat! Hotmama! Hahahah!
2. Upload your favorite picture of you.
*Sila refer pada gambar profile.
3. Why do you like that picture?
*Ntah..senyum tu mcm feel content je. Puas. Cukup. Ni satu²nya gambar aku senyum bersama 2 baris gigi yang tak over do. Yang lain semua hampeh.
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
*26 Dec 2008. Sempena opening Domino Precint 8, Putrajaya. To be precise i ate Chicken Classic Double Cheese. Nyummm... jap nk tepon Domino.
5. The last song you listened to?
*Lagu Siti - Soundtrack Spa Q tu..ape ke tajuk nyer..
6. What are you doing now besides this?
Lap air milo tumpah atas meja. Dem..abih kene storyboard client.
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
People I tag:
1. Kak Keh
2. Farah
3. Kak Fadh
4. Jujus
5. Elmo
8. Who is number 1?
*Dah anggap sis ni mcm kakak sendiri. Satu opis. Meja pon sebelah je nih ha. Slalu share stori-mori anak², teman gelak, teman sedih. Jom tua bersama yer Kak Keh! Heheh!
9. Number 3 is having relationship with?
*Scandal die dasat, ade anak 2 org dah. Dah kawin ok! Hahaha. Jejaka pujaan Kak Fadh bernama Syed Syahrul Zarizi.
10. Say something about number 5
*Ini rakan serapat lama sejak study yang mempunyai ibu paling cool dlm dunia. Tutur katanya santun lemah lembut, wajahnya mmg ayu senyum simpul, tapi masih belum yang punya. Sesape nak buat menantu mmg sesuai sgtlah!
11. How about number 4?
*Ini pon rakan serapat sejak study. Paling suka bila Jue masak maggie ayam. Boleh menempel makan maggie ayam yang sedap. Sampai skang aku tak reti masak maggie ayam mcm Jue masak. Kental mcm pizza dan sedap, lemak telur ayam hancur mmg terasa sampai ke suapan terakhir. Tak banyak cakap dan lebih suka memerhati. Salah seorang rakan yang akan bercakap bile die rasa perlu. Cool.
12. Who is number 2?
*She's my 2nd Bree in the office. The only colleague yang ada bunyi tapak kaki consistent. Dari jauh lagi org dah tau die dtg. A passionate mother dan kaki shopping ecspe. baju budak n toys so kalo ade sale kasi tau Farah!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
New Year Trip to Kuantan! |
Selamat tahun baru! Sekejap je dah 2009.
Cuti new year baru nih kitaorg balik Kuantan. Stay umah my sis, Ateh first night then tido kat Hyatt satu malam pastu tido rumah Ateh balik another one night. Trip kali ni memang utk. merelease tensi dan gateway for the MGs. Check-in at Hyatt Regency at Teluk Cempedak around 2.30pm on the 1st Jan. 2009. Papa min masuk je bilik terus berdengkur. Min lak jakun tgk laut ngn swimming pool. The room we stayed tu facing sea view and swimming pool lak betul2 kat bawah balcony. Walopon hujan non-stop dari ptg Khamis tu, sempat jugak lah lepaskan gian Min berendam dlm. pool. Hujan lak mmg tak kasi chance kitaorg jejln along the seashore. So tgk jer lah dari bilik heheh! jadilah..sbb mmg dh lame tak tgk laut. Min nyer baldi pasir dan jenkaut2 tu jd toys die main air dlm bath tub jer. Lenkali kite balik Kuantan lagi, kite main korek2 pasir n buat sand castle yer sayang mama.
Asal hujan mmg rasa nk bermalas-malas aje lah. Pagi jumaat hujan belom stop. Teringat jaman kecik2 dulu, kalau ujan mcm nih tandanya nak banjir. Hujan tak lebat tak non-stop. Kami breakfast sambil dgr bunyi hujan n bunyi ombak menderu. Pantai just 50m from the buffet area. Nice view. Tak sure ade amik gambo ke tak kat Restaurant Kampung, Hyatt Regency tu. Nanti kalo ade I upload sini. Lepas breakfast kitaorg balik bilik dan meneruskan acara bermalas-malasan. Papa min je rajin skit, dia study for his GMAT on this 19th Jan. 2009.
Around 1pm kitaorg check out and heading to kilang keropok lekor favourite kat Tg. Lumpur. Masih ujan. Dapat lah beli bergondong-gondong keropok lekor utk kawan2 opis and stock utk. diri sendiri hihi. Keropok lekor rebus fresh, panas2..nyum-nyum. Kitaorg bedal keropok lekor rebus tu mentah2. Sedap ooo!Dek kerana outdoor activity takle nk di laksanakan, we went to East Coast Mall, shopping mall baru kat Kuantan. Not bad lah, ade Big Apple, Baskin, Sushi King, Crocs Boutique, Carlo Rino and I rickie2 Parkson die pon ade Toys'r Us, Combi's lines, Chicco lines, etc lah ala2 mcm mini MidValley cuma tade cinema kat mall tu. Maju jugaklah Kuantan skang.
Yg bestnyer masuk MNG tade org pon nk berebut pilih baju, pilih size mcm kat KL. Hehehhe. Fitting room beta yang punya! Sile2 buat mcm rumah sendiri! Ahaks! :P. Pastu ade Brand Outlets store sebelah MNG. Hemmm...... pause lame gak la kat dlm kedai tu. They're selling overrun stock branded clothing from men to women and the best is for kids! Rasa mcm nk borong semua. GAP, Osh Kosh, Gymboree, Nike, Levis, Carters, Mothercare..u name it lah! Byk giler dan hampir lemas. Seperti biasalah anak punya pasal kan. I bought for min a pair of beaded jeans GAP at RM49.90, GAP long sleeve, Gymboree Long Sleeve, Carters blouse at RM26.90 each. All item ade 10% discount. Kalo ikutkan hati nk je borong baby rompers (RM9.90) yg kiut miut tp. masih mampu menahan nafsu ahaks! Nk kasi korg panas kalo I rajin nanti I tepek sini baju2 yg I beli tu ahahah!(<--Ketawa jahat!)
Cuti new year baru nih kitaorg balik Kuantan. Stay umah my sis, Ateh first night then tido kat Hyatt satu malam pastu tido rumah Ateh balik another one night. Trip kali ni memang utk. merelease tensi dan gateway for the MGs. Check-in at Hyatt Regency at Teluk Cempedak around 2.30pm on the 1st Jan. 2009. Papa min masuk je bilik terus berdengkur. Min lak jakun tgk laut ngn swimming pool. The room we stayed tu facing sea view and swimming pool lak betul2 kat bawah balcony. Walopon hujan non-stop dari ptg Khamis tu, sempat jugak lah lepaskan gian Min berendam dlm. pool. Hujan lak mmg tak kasi chance kitaorg jejln along the seashore. So tgk jer lah dari bilik heheh! jadilah..sbb mmg dh lame tak tgk laut. Min nyer baldi pasir dan jenkaut2 tu jd toys die main air dlm bath tub jer. Lenkali kite balik Kuantan lagi, kite main korek2 pasir n buat sand castle yer sayang mama.
Asal hujan mmg rasa nk bermalas-malas aje lah. Pagi jumaat hujan belom stop. Teringat jaman kecik2 dulu, kalau ujan mcm nih tandanya nak banjir. Hujan tak lebat tak non-stop. Kami breakfast sambil dgr bunyi hujan n bunyi ombak menderu. Pantai just 50m from the buffet area. Nice view. Tak sure ade amik gambo ke tak kat Restaurant Kampung, Hyatt Regency tu. Nanti kalo ade I upload sini. Lepas breakfast kitaorg balik bilik dan meneruskan acara bermalas-malasan. Papa min je rajin skit, dia study for his GMAT on this 19th Jan. 2009.
Around 1pm kitaorg check out and heading to kilang keropok lekor favourite kat Tg. Lumpur. Masih ujan. Dapat lah beli bergondong-gondong keropok lekor utk kawan2 opis and stock utk. diri sendiri hihi. Keropok lekor rebus fresh, panas2..nyum-nyum. Kitaorg bedal keropok lekor rebus tu mentah2. Sedap ooo!Dek kerana outdoor activity takle nk di laksanakan, we went to East Coast Mall, shopping mall baru kat Kuantan. Not bad lah, ade Big Apple, Baskin, Sushi King, Crocs Boutique, Carlo Rino and I rickie2 Parkson die pon ade Toys'r Us, Combi's lines, Chicco lines, etc lah ala2 mcm mini MidValley cuma tade cinema kat mall tu. Maju jugaklah Kuantan skang.
Yg bestnyer masuk MNG tade org pon nk berebut pilih baju, pilih size mcm kat KL. Hehehhe. Fitting room beta yang punya! Sile2 buat mcm rumah sendiri! Ahaks! :P. Pastu ade Brand Outlets store sebelah MNG. Hemmm...... pause lame gak la kat dlm kedai tu. They're selling overrun stock branded clothing from men to women and the best is for kids! Rasa mcm nk borong semua. GAP, Osh Kosh, Gymboree, Nike, Levis, Carters, Mothercare..u name it lah! Byk giler dan hampir lemas. Seperti biasalah anak punya pasal kan. I bought for min a pair of beaded jeans GAP at RM49.90, GAP long sleeve, Gymboree Long Sleeve, Carters blouse at RM26.90 each. All item ade 10% discount. Kalo ikutkan hati nk je borong baby rompers (RM9.90) yg kiut miut tp. masih mampu menahan nafsu ahaks! Nk kasi korg panas kalo I rajin nanti I tepek sini baju2 yg I beli tu ahahah!(<--Ketawa jahat!)
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