Friday, January 23, 2009

Tersalah ajaran...ish! ish!

Ok... it's fun & proud see your little ones say things that you've taught them. But this one, I made a mistake and I'm not proud of it. Lepas kemas space for Min few weeks ago I had recorded a video which I stupidly with confident teach Yasmin about shapes. Guess you watch the video and got what i mean! OMG. Mama dah salah cakap la Min! Hahahah! Takpe nanti mama ajar yang betul ok! Sorry dear. I do make mistake. Huh?

Yang tak tahan tu siap stress out "rec-tang-gle!" pastu "pandai!!!" , siap "horrey!" plus tepuk² tangan lagi. Tu lah mak ketam ajar anak berjalan. Hahaha!

Lesson learned!


21 Closet said...

rec-tang-gle = segi tige.
abes aaa ko melor. jap gi jadi cam ko ni kompius mane kiri mane kanan besar nanti ... hahaa ..pandai .. mak sapaaa la ni :))... fani wehhhh...

fusherna said...

hehe..mummies do make mistake.its good that u have that on tape..kalau x silap2 Min yg kena marah :)

fadh said...

hahaha... rec-tang-gle! horeyyyyyy....really cute!

miowzzy said...

haha ajaran sesat nih... bawak balik ke pangkal jalan.. hehehe

Nadra Farissa said...

yang penting ada effort nak mengajar...