Bahan²: Wrapper, Scissor, Any box (shoe box), Selefon tape, Ruler & Cutter (not in the pic)
Step 1: Start with one side of the box like in the picture. I use selefon tape to make sure the wrapper stay still.
Step 2: Second, wrap the box as shown in the pic. Now I see the wrapper covers more than I want.
Step 3: I measure the area I want and cut the extra. I repeat what I've done at step 1 for this end of wrapper. Keep aside the extra wrapper, we can use it for the lid.
Ok, now I'm done for 2 sides of box. For another 2 sides, I have some extra so i need to cut it.
Step 4: I have measured and now is time to cut the extra. Do this for another side.
Now I just have to fold the wrapper to wrap the box and cover the white and green area.
Step 5: Once I try to fold the wrapper, there's some extra that will cause me a bit problem to get a nice corner cut. So what I do is... I use scissor and cut the it like in the picture. Then i proceed with wrapping with nice corner cut :).
Ok now i'm done with the box. If you enlarge the pic, I miss measure one side but it's ok for me. I use selefone tape to fix it. Now repeat Step 1-5 for the lid!
Ok dokie! I'm done with the 10 steps! Heheh! It took me 15-20mins.
Now you can put things like your childs colour pen, Legos, puzzles, flash cards & etc lah.
This is what I put in this box. Another piece of mind that I know 26 alphabets and 26 pcs of numbers is there every time Yasmin want to use it. Nice hah?! Try it for your kids!
melor memang tangan seni!
hye....salam perkenalan, jom tukar link leh share info
mama aqish bole aje :D i added link to your blog
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