Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Compiling my to sew project list :P

Have you pay a visit to my shop recently? I have added a pliers for plastic snap from Kamsnaps.com that I bought last week. Item arrived quit fast from the seller even tho i order the backordered package. I planned to convert by bumGenius 3.0 Aplix to snap buttons soon. I found a very easy step by step done by one of forumer at Diaperswapper.com. Will share my own experience on the process soon.

 My new toys wehee! Haven't tried it yet

Lepas ni boleh la jahit CD sendiri pulak since tools dah ade. Yes! I'm cding my soon-to-be-born-baby heheh!

 Menanti utk di upgrade...

Other than this project, I have few other things in my head, while counting days for my new baby Brother sewing machine to be delivered to my home.
  • Convert all 6 bumGenius to snap button
  • Jahit barut for baby. (aci tak reuse balik Aplix pada bumGenius for this project? Heheh we'll see)
  • Potong kaki seluar of few pants that I bought at Ross Pjg sgt dho.
  • Jahit 2 baby pouch.
  • Jahit baju kurung raya for Mimin (kain pon belom beli lagi haha) 
  • Make a receiving blanket for baby
  • One blanket spare blanket. (Papa nk pilih kain kat Joann)
  • DIY another 6 cloth diapers... (beli je kalo tak sempat haha!)
Ok that is it for now. Byk2 nanti ambitious sgt plak kan?  Owh feel free to cuci mate pic my visit to Joann last Sunday after my childbirth class at MMC.

 Click here to see more pictures at my Facebook Album.


fieza said...

melor, maybe you should consider not to convert all the BG diapers to snap button diapers. diaper with velcro is easy to wear compare to button. nursery or caretaker prefer use velcro (this according my exprience using Cd). me too like using velcro.

cd with button maybe usefull when the child getting bigger when he know how to pull out the diaper.

wah..semakin maju la melor sekarang...u inspired me la melorr. well i think i also need to start again my diaper sewing since little fakhri having bad rashes lately...maybe the diaper full with build up detergent (even though i wash with hot water every months to get away build up)..maybe considering using bamboo inner more than microfleece. i have 3 cd bamboo only.

ok melor, how about we show off our new diapers? i cant wait to see yours....im thinking of sewing fitted diaper lately with one cute diaper cover...he he he.

Unknown said...


thank you so much for sharing. maybe melor convert 1 or 2 dulu sbb tgn gatal nk try pakai plier tu hahhaha!

tingin gk nk jahit cd sendiri tgh ricky pattern. mesin sampai lam minggu depan huhu. menahan sabar je nih ahaha.