Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jom join US Shopping Spree at with MG!

This group is extension from www.moleygarden.com. It's open to all Malaysia friends who want to join US shopping spree. There will be lots of items to be offered. If you have anything in mind that you would like to purchase from US let me know and I will consider to open a coop order for you.

Coop order items will be combine ship to Malaysia! This will save you shipping cost! You're sharing the cost with others rather than paying shipping cost alone. All prices already includes US ground shipping and ship to your door by Poslaju! (Unless stated otherwise). You don't have to worry about TAX, Custom clearance, we'll take care that for you!

How coop order work?
1. You place an order before closing date in the database available in US Shopping Spree Yahoogroups.
2. Wait for me to request a payment from you. (M2u, CIMB, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal accepted)
3. 1 week take for the item to reach my home once spree is close all people have made payment. (If you delay payment, it will delay me to place order).
4. 8-14 business day take parcel to reach my partner in Malaysia.
5. 1-3 business day to reach you by Poslaju!
6. We will take care all the tax/custom clearance for you includes Poslaju! Price of item includes all of this!

Current Spree open is:

1. SPANX - www.spanx.com - love this! Close 18/10/10
2. Cloth diaper - Bumgenius, Grobaby : Would like to buy other brand? Let me know ok! The more people buy the same brand the cheaper it will be because we can buy the 12pk or 24pk and get the fraction of price!
3. Baby Legs - http://www.babylegs.com Close 18/10/10
4. Victora Secret - www.victoriasecret.com
5. Forever21 - www.forever21.com - anybody can be a fashionista now!
6. Awesome yummylicious fabric from Etsy!
7. Lots of fabric from Quilthome.com!

More to come! I will add from time to time, if you would like to add other item pls. feel free email me and I will add that for you! Till then!  Pass this info to your sister friends too! Thanks for reading this!

*Sisters from Brunei and Singapore are welcome to join! Shipping to you will be an individual shipping not combine.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cerita tentang "pantang lepa"

Pernah dengor org tua-tua cakap ..."pantang lepa betul budak nih.."? That's what happen to my ber"pantang" sekarang. Mmg pantang lepa lah..yer ler sape je yg nak larang itu dan ini. Sendiri mau ingat lah kan. Kalo sayang badan nak pakai lame pepandai le jaga betul tak. Harap2 jgn lah nanti kene khutbah plak sbb byk sangat lah pantang-pantang yg berpatutnyer di pantang dalam waktu berpantang ni ..void. Totally void sepanjang 23 hari "dalam pantang" ahaks!

1. Tidak memakai stoking - I've been wearing it during 1st week je itu pun waktu malam..now summer beb, kat sini panas ooo, plus i had a very bad edema during the 3rd day. Kaki bengkak mcm nak meletop..all my toes are like sausages kontot. And i had another reason..since apt. nih fully carpeted..so tadelah pijak2 lantai sejok.

2. Bergallon air telah ku minum satu hari - Some old folks said..jgn minum air byk2 nanti kembang..aiyaa mcmana mau melepaskan hajat dgn senang kalau tak minum air yg cukup maa? breastfeeding some more, so i've a strong reason to drink for two rite? again..summer + denver dry weather = sile minum air 3l air satu hari.

3. Makan nasi yg dipanaskan - Apelah salah nasi yg dah sejok tu? Menangis nasik tu makan tak abis..so jgn membazir..reheat dan makan lah selagi tak basi yer kawan2.

4. Makan ikan tongkol, keli - Alhamdulillah so far makan ikan keli goreng same ikan tongkol masak kari, belum ada symptom yg pelik.

5. Makan ketam dan udang - Hemm kalo kat Malaysia maybe tak makan kot tapi atas alasan nak survive..maka nya makan ajelah melor. Alhamdulillah jugak tade gatal-gatal seperti yg. diwar-warkan.

6. Culas berbengkung - Hehehe ini lah yg plg malas nk buat. 5 hari berbengkung kat rumah without fail then after that on and off sbb ade SPANX. Krim Bio Sirih dan Sirih Emas mmg pakai without fail.

7. Buat kerja2 rumah mcm biasa- Hemm genap seminggu i started cook, menjahit etc. To date..i've finished 4 cloth diapers for Irfan and baju kurung Mimin..kainnyer je belom. Laundry dan cuci pinggan mmg hubby yg buat so I assist on other tasks. He's the best!

8. Makan mcm2 lah - Semua bantai..tolak ais same mknan ala2 pickles je. Tu pon ade hari yg berbuka puasa kat luar "terlupa" dan sempat gak la minum juice with ice segelas. Amponn! Sendiri mau ingat.

9. Bawak baby keluar waktu malam - Hemmm bab nih tamo cite pjg2 hehe sbb kitaorg bukan keluar malam..tapi balik malam :). Dah bacekan ayat Kursi and 3 Qul mcm mak n mama selalu pesan.

10. Hemm ape lagi ekk? Cukuplah 9 nanti list byk2 ade lak kene khutbah heheh!

Hemm mcm nih lah kalo berpantang sendiri. Mana yang rasa perlu ikut dan berasas I will do without doubt. The rest I leave it as it is. Before I end this entry, I would like to share some information, some says you will feel "gatal-gatal" on repair area if you eat certain kind of food rite..? After 1 week delivery, I had an appointment with midwife, Aubre at MMC. She checked on my stitches and everything looks fine and she did ask if I do feel itchy sometimes around the stitches area and I said yes, then korg nak tau apa die cakap dgn muka selamba...(subtitle la eh?)

"Owh..jgn risau..tade ape tu biasa lah tissue luka tu nak bercantum balik, nanti stitches tu dah baik, rasa gatal2 tu akan hilang. Same lah mcm kalau kite luka kat tempat lain..dalam process kulit tu nak bercantum balik kita akan rasa gatal pastu rasa nak garu je luka tu. Mende yang sama jadik masa pregnancy, bila kulit perut kurang lembab and it stretch, you will feel itchy sometimes..."

Ha..tu dia subtitle rojak men-translate apa yang Aubre explain....kalau tak caya...nanti jumpa doctor leh la buat2 tanye. Kite tgk doctor tu jawap apa. Hemmm now is our traditional myth busted or not? Jawap sendiri lah yer.

Okie dokie till then. Selamat berpuasa dan selamat berbuka. Saya haram berpuasa walopon rasa mcm larat jer nak puasa..sob! sob! sob!...Pose ganti tak same ngn pose Ramadhan.

p/s: carik resepi lompat tikam.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Ordinary Miracle.

Ramai yang bertanya pengalaman saya bersalin natural birth melalui method water birth. Tak terjawap semuanya sbb 10 org tanya terpaksa ulang 10 kali cerita. Saya minta maaf pada yg bertanya tp jawapan saya..tunggu nanti saya cerita kat blog... heheh. Ok hari nih, selepas 14 hari bersalin saya rasa this is the right time to tell the story.

Before I go into depth on the details, you are warned that the content of this entry is based on my personal point of view of natural birth and there might be words, sentences, pics that pissed you off or “too-much-information” kind of para, you are advised to stop reading and leave this blog. Tujuan entry ini cuma berkongsi pengalaman dan bukan untuk judge mana2 pihak.

Saya bersalin di Mountain Midwifery Centre, Colorado. Saya yg pilih birth centre ni before we fly to US. Saya ckp dgn hubby..if this time I'm going to deliver our baby out of the country, I want it to be the most memorable labor i ever had - I want it to be water birth. Saya dah lame ricky info2 pasal natural birth, water birth ni..so envy with those women who had the chance to experience it. Jd...dah ade peluang ni I will not let it go because I know I'm healty pregnant women, I don't have diabetic or high blood pressure that restrain me to try this method. Alhamdulillah atas kesihatan yang Allah SWT. kurniakan.

Org tanya saya...natural birth ni apa? water birth tu apa? Natural birth ni..drug free labor..dengan kata lain ibu yang nak bersalin tu tade amik apa2 ubat tahan sakit ker..induce ker (cth: epidural, pitocin) dan tade intervention tools (forceps, clamps, episiotomy etc). Semuanya berlaku secara natural. Ibarat kalau bersalin dalam gua ..itulah keadaan nya :). Water birth plak..bersalin dalam tub air suam. Maknanya...masa labor ibu dah dok lam tub..push - dan tada..baby keluar while the mother still in the tub dan midwife akan sambut baby masa dalam air. Kalau rasa nk tau details boleh tonton movie - Orgasmic Birth atau google lah yeah. The movie was covered during 4 classes childbirth yang kami attended in order to get the right knowledge and knowing what to expect, what are the risks, how it works, what to do in the worst case scenario etc..lah.

Saya dan suami bukanlah dengan tangan kosong untuk berdepan dengan hari perjanjian Irfan. We attended  class. Mimin ikut kitaorg pergi class and she watched those videos and she well aware that her mother will go through those process soon in order for her to meet her baby brother. Since we planned to have her with us during the labor itself so it's good to have her join the class. Alhamdulillah midwives very supportive about us having Mimin during my labor. We read books too..I bought few books recommended by the midwives kat MMC, actually those book boleh je pinjam kat MMC tapi saje gatal beli utk simpanan sendiri dan utk rujukan masa akan dtg..manelah tahu ada no 3...4 ker esok kan hhehe! List buku ade kat website MMC. Boleh lah tgk kalo terasa rajin nk bace :).

Other than that, we hire a doula to help us look after Mimin mase waktu labor nanti. Doula ni bukan bidan, tugas die untuk kasi moral support and assistant to expectant mom termasuklah jagakan other siblings who will be attending during the birthing process. Alternately can take turn ngn suami to take care mom mase dlm labor. More info on doula services boleh bace kat website Cocoon Enterprise company yg kitaorg amik. Rate diorg vary according to doula. Some doula offer free service ecsp. yg baru nak amik certified cert as doula they have to attend few birth baru leh jd certified doula. Some offer min flat rate. So tak kiralah berapa jam die ngn kita kat labor room tu..die charge min jer..so our doula is Melissa. She's great and very supportive. Even tho we met her sekali je before bersalin tak rasa die mcm stranger. sgt friendly and easy to work with, even Mimin pon ok je ngn die.

Me and Melissa (Our doula). 1 hour after deliver.

So the story on the day itself - I have some pinky show in the morning and I knew this is it! My contraction was 40min apart. So tade lah panic sgt. Lagipun all the measures has been tought mase class so now is the time to practice and apply all things that we have learned during the 4 classes. Iszad called midwife and doula to inform my condition so that they can stand by. I talk to midwife over the phone and she guide on what to do, asking how far apart the contraction. She said I might be having the baby tonight or perhaps tomorrow evening. She advise on go for a walk, take a warm shower. Take a nap in between contraction so that I can save my energy for the labor itself. Jgn lupa makan, drink lots of water.
Meanwhile, Iszad had been tremendously great,  helping me to go through each contraction. Rubbing my back, massaging,  pressing my pelvic while i’m kneeling on the glider. We learned all these during the class too. Owh i wish i could do these thing back then while we’re having Mimin, but i’m stuck on the bed instead with IV needle on my right hand, straps on my belly. No other option. I believe that is the main cause most mother exhausted in labor. Yerlah, dok mengerang sakit atas katil tale bergerak. Tade distraction, asik pk bile sakit ni nk berhenti. Sgt memenatkan. While Iszad helping me with the contraction, Mimin plak mcm biasalah buat2 prihatin, asking am i ready to go to “kedai” doctor, "Baby nak keluar yer mama?", "Mama..mama jgn buat muka mcm tu..buat mcm ni..." she showing me the correct way to breath by releasing all the jaw muscle instead of tighten it up..hem bagus betul anak mama. Esok besar jd Ob/Gyn ok. Did you know our jaw muscle connected to those muscle in ur cervix and all down there? The more you loosen up ur jaw muscle, the more easier for cervix to open up. Ha.. so kalo sakit contraction or sembelit lepas ni semua org jgn keraskan otot muka but loosen up it up and breath bukak mulut mcm tiup angin tu..insyaAllah tak rasa sgt sakit sembelit tu dan lebih mudah utk apa yg patut keluar tu keluar heheheh. Betul..hubby dah try die ckp berkesan. 

Dari pagi ke petang sempat lah berendam dalam bath tub dengan air panas2 suam 2 kali. Nasib baiklah apartment yg kitaorg duduk ni mmg ade bath tub and access to air panas straight from the tab. Berendam ni one of the reason why I didn't realize my water dah broke ke belom. Sementara tunggu Iszad pergi kelas around 1pm, sempat lah main masak2 dgn Mimin to distract myself from the pain. Balik je dari kelas, Iszad dok sebok tanye dah 6-1-1 ke belom. Not yet. So kitaorg mkn dulu. Lepak2 tgk tv, tgk movie. Around 8pm he had another class - ada final group presentation. Actually he already get one of the group member to cover his part in case he didn't make it to the class, however I told him that he can go. I was 20 min apart at that time. I just inform him to come back home right after he finish the presentation.

Ok..around 9pm i knew the contraction is almost 15-10min apart. 9.30pm Iszad dah sampai rumah. All his groupmate terkejut die dtg class for presentation. Even his prof. aware that we're having the baby anytime within that week and he is very supportive too. Elok je Iszad bukak pintu..I said it's time. Call the midwife and doula, tell them we're going to the centre now. Since bag semua da ready dlm kete. we only pack some extra pillow and blanket in case anything happen dlm kereta. Riding while having a contraction is not a fun thing to do. I would rather duduk kat rumah jer ahaha! It took is 10min to MMC and I had 2 contractions! It was like hell. I was crying while having it and right after the contraction went away, elok je boleh sing along lagu Westlife - Soledad tgh berkumandang lam kete hahaha. Iszad tanye..mama ok? Hahah! Yerlah kejap nangis kejap nyanyi..mane satu nih?

10.50pm - Once we arrived at MMC, the midwives dah tunggu. It was Cassie and Shanti who was on call that night. Our doula - Melissa pon dah ade kat MMC. Shanti tanya nak pilih bilik mane. You can see the room here. I choose the one yg. I tak sempat amik gambar mase tour visit last time sbb ade mom in labor kat dlm. It was all white room with black metal king bed. Ala2 putih suci bersih gitu hehe!. Shanti need to check my dilation, I went to the toilet to empty my bladder. Kalo kat hospital, sah sah doctor sumbat tiub. Kuwar dari toilet another contraction comes..uis..mmg sedappp! Bergayut kat pintu toilet sat..elok je habis..cepat2 bukak seluar. Elok je nak naik atas katil...another contraction come! Mase tu I cry... sbb sgt sakit, lebih sakit dari contraction sepanjang hari tadi. Everyone was very supportive, telling me that it's ok to cry, telling me that I'm doing great, telling me that I'm strong.... I lean my elbow kat ujung katil mase tu. Once the contraction hilang i naik atas katil utk check dilation. Shanti is the one who checked - elok je die keluarkan jari and said "You already 9cm Melor! Great job, you're so strong sister!" and there you go, I replied to her "I had the urge to push!...is this happening?!" Mase tu I baru bgn nak turun dari katil, Iszad was standing right next beside the bed, so tengkuk die lah jd mangsa utk I grab! After the feeling to push went away, Cassie directed me to take off my cloth dan turun pelan and masuk dalam tub so that we can have the baby in the tub. FYI, that's is the only time within my 40w of pregnancy they check my dilation. Yup only once. :) Kalo kat hospital 4cm dah kene warded...to get to 8-9cm berapa kali agak2 nurse or doc dtg check? Hemm tak selesakan?

Cassie, one of the midwife on call that night. Meet her few times during appointment so I knew her.
(pic. is from MMC gallery)

11.30pm - I tak sedar bila masa Iszad tukar baju. He's right next to me inside the tub. Shanti asked me to follow my body. Push only when I feel like pushing. Air suam2 panas dalam tub tu sangat lah melegakan. It helps soothing the pain i had. Selawat dan ayat2 quran tak lekang dari bibir. I can feel the baby head moving and pushing to come out. The first 2 push was hard because I'm scared and the midwives knew that I'm scare becos I told them ahahah! Cassie said...you just have to let it go and give all you had and let's meet the baby tonight! So the 3rd time, I push with all the energy I had and they said..."You're doing great sister, would you like to touch your baby's head?" Then apa lagi...I put one of my hand down there and I can feel kepala baby almost to come out. It was so amazing!! Then comes the 4th pushing - plobb! kepala baby and his shoulder come out, I can see tangan Shanti sambut baby kat dalam air and she brought up the baby straight to my chest. The first thing I said to the baby was "Assalamualaikum sayang..mama is here" and i peek at the baby's genital..and there you go...i shout "Alhamdulillah it's a boy!". I didn't mention that the baby's gender is unknown during my pregnancy right? Yup we didn't know what we're expecting! We prepare 2 names, if girl we will name her as Iris and Irfan for boy. Now we have Irfan Iszad Jeffri. 

 Our new addition - Irfan IJ

Iszad and Shanti, me on the right.

Mimin tgk baby masih purple!

The doula brought in Yasmin to meet her baby brother while we were still inside the tub. She said "The baby is so cuteeee", pastu lari keluar sambil cakap "Mimin nak pergi tgk movie ok..nanti Mimin dtg lagi". Owh she's so great! Sepanjang hari bersama Mimin dan contraction, I terlepas tinggikan suara kat die sekali, masa tu tunggu Iszad balik kelas malam, she was so cranky and I was having a contraction at that time. Sian dia, but I did apologize to her mase dalam kereta ont the way to MMC and she's good. She understand that mama is having a baby and we need to hurry. Itu lah amalan I kalau termarah dia, I akan apologize and explain why I marah. Alhamdulillah dia pun ikut sama, kalau die buat salah or mengamuk tak tentu pasal, nanti lepas 1/2 jam die mesti dtg and minta maaf sbb nakal. 

 Mimin sibuk main while I'm in labor.

After 10min Cassie said that I boleh keluar dari tub. I hold the baby, and tali pusat baby cukup panjang untuk I hold him kat dada. Diorg dah prepare stool so that I can climb out of the tub safely and naik atas katil. Remember, placenta still inside me and umbilical cord baby belom potong. Naik je atas katil baby dah start rooting! We are skin to skin and I nurse him right on the dot! Meanwhile the midwives get ready for the placenta. While I'm nursing Irfan, I can feel there's  another light contraction and then the placenta keluar. Tade jeb2 pon untuk keluarkan placenta. Shanti asked me to continue bf Irfan because it will help to shrink the uterus and pushing out the remaining placenta/blood inside. Yup..she's correct, I can feel each gush of blood coming out once a while when Irfan suck on the breast. Shanti tunjuk uri baby, explain baby duduk kat mana, makanan masuk utk baby ikut tali mane..so mcm amik kelas bio kejap tgk anatomy placenta. She said my placenta is small but yet the baby is quit big.

Lepas sejam baru diorg ckp nak potong tali pusat baby. Honour is given to the baby's father to cut hehehe! Shanti said I have minor tear and it looks like being cut, she said it was a straight line cut, perhaps it was the tissue from my previous episiotomy and I need some repair. They have all the equipment just like hospital to do the repair and I got 2 stitches. I was hoping for zero tear but 2 stitches is minor to me. I'm fine with that. While Cassie and Shanti working on the repair, Irfan is with Iszad and Kate (nurse). Kate weight and measure him, he is 8 pounds and 2 oz. After I'm done with the repair, Kate said that my herb bath is ready! Yeay.. dapat mandi herba. Owh it feels so good and tak rasa mcm baru lepas bersalin..rasa cm ala2 pergi spa plak. Ade org sediakan light meal, dpt mandi air herba, ade org tolong lapkan badan. I love being pampered hahah! Yup all women who just give birth really deserve that right?

Lepas selesai berendam dengan air herba yg suam2 panas, rasa fresh badan. Kaki tade lenguh2 or ketar2 mcm mase bersalin Mimin.  Elok je berjalan dari bathroom ke bilik. Iszad sempat lah cuddle dgn Irfan sementara I rest and makan. Lepas tu I sambung nurse Irfan and Iszad lak sempat tido. Mcm die plak yg labor hahah! Takpe I kasi chance because tomorrow will be a long day for him. Some more he will sit for final exam on 10th and 11 Aug. Kesian jugak kat die..everything come is one shot. I tak tido sbb tak puas telek baby. Around 3.30am Kate ckp boleh discharge. So that's it.. I'm ok baby ok..boleh balik. Around 4am kitaorg sampai rumah, and I still tak caya 4 hours ago I was in labor and yet I can walked like nothing happened. Perhaps not drugs involved and not being stuck on the bed for hours help quick recovery after delivery.

Selepas 14 hari - I can go out for a jog or go to gym for light exercise if I want to...tp malas hehehe. Luka repair pon dah baik.. Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah SWT atas kesihatan yang dikurniakanNya, rezeki dapat melahirkan anak yg sempurna sifat dan sihat tubuh badannya, berpeluang merasa bersalin secara natural dalam air dengan selamat dan telah dipermudahkan segala urusan perjanjian anakku untuk lahir melihat dunia. Aminn..

"Childbirth is the most amazing thing woman's body can do naturally, besides pregnancy. Allah SWT is the Al-Mighty Creator. Owh I wish I can tell the world. It's the ordinary miracle" 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Durian Denver - Mengidam punya pasal!

Ok..those who know me...knew that I'm Durian maniac. Mmg boleh hadap satu guni durian dan makan tanpa henti sampai habis ahaks! Oleh kerana skang musim durian kat Malaysia ...terus terang ckp mmg rasa nak balik kalo teringat kat Durian ahah! Tambah plak smlm telefon my sis, she did mentioned about it and officemates did upload gambo2 diorg melantak durian kat opis..ohhhh...saya sangat lah sakit hati.

Untuk mengubat luka hati yang lara tak dapat mkn durian makanya i do what i do best - find sources on the net! Asking Pakcik Google where can i get durian kat denver ni dan resultnyer sangat lah worth it! Ahahah! I found out that there's another Asian market that we never knew it exist in Denver that sell durian.

So tanpa berlengah mengajak my hubby pergi ricky kedai tu. Dengan bantuan Makcik Garmin, kitaorg dpt jumpa kedai tu, it;s about 15-20min  drive dari rumah. Masuk2 je kedai of cos lah durian yang di cari dahulu. Pergi kat tempat buah2..hemmm tade pon. Sure bukan musim n manelah nak tau musim durian bile kat US nih kan? Nangka ade lah. Takpe maybe tade rezeki. Next time kite cuba lagi.

Alang2 dah sampai kedai yg jual brg2 asian nih..beli lah groceries yg da nk abis kat umah. I beli Milo..kilang JB, pastu biskut Khong Guan and Julies bersepah tp tak beli pon sbb tak heran tgk biskut us lagi bes hahah! Pastu jumpa Ribena made in Malaysia too..beli sbb mimin suke tp mahal gk la $9.99. Sekali skali ok la, ribena dah tergolong dlm minuman exotic ahaks!  We found few other thing yg tak jual kat other asian mart we went before.

Iszad n mimin tour dengan shopping cart to the other aisle. Me jln2 sensorg sbb diorg tak kuasa nk tunggu i belek satu2 brg. As jalan2 from one aisle to another..sampailah the other side of kedai, frozen area, brg2 fishcake, fishball and few other things yang kaum2 che je mkn..termasuk kaki cik bab.  Tu dah biasa tgk dah. Da tade perasaan kalo tgk pon. Tgk2 lagi skali kan i saw something that soooooooooooo familiar to me, kale hijau2 tan, pastu ade duri2. Hemmm...takanlah mende alah ni duduk kat area frozen food? Or is it me having hallucination of durian sbb craving kan? Owhh tidak2! I said to myself, cuba pegang dulu mende tu..kalo tercucuk tgn dengan duri tu makanya bukan halusinasi ..tapi BENAR itu DURIAN hahahah! As i touch it yup..tidak syak lagi itu durian yang ku cari! Kesiankan kat I? Do i sound pathetic gile bile dpt jumpa durian? Owh pedulik lah apa org ckp, yg penting i got my durian!

I angkat pilih2 bau durian mmg tade langsung sbb it was frozen kat situ tak tau lah dh berapa bulan. From far i saw iszad n mimin...hahahah!  i angkat durian and show it to them ahaks! Iszad gelak ngn said..."papa ingat mama carik apa kat area ni...tadi papa dah lalu kat sini tapi tak perasan pon ada durian hahahaha!" See ketemu juga..ade jodoh hehe! Harga satu biji $8, mmg exotic sungguh. I bought 2 bijik, nanti kalo tak abih makan boleh buat bubur kacang durian...emmm sedap nyer. Sampai gk hajat. Ok enuf story. Layann pic. Walopon tak sefresh durian kat dusun but what do you expect? Better than takde langsung kan?

Tgk pada rupa mcm durian tembaga ..tak kisahlah tembaga ke perak..janjik durian!

Since it was frozen, we have to wait overnight baru boleh bukak dgn senang.

Hemmmm jom kite mkn durian! Rase cam eskrem sbb ade some part masih sejok!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm almost done! Hurry up!

I;ve been spending few days back try to complete my to-sew-list but end up adding more to-sew-item in that list and some item in the first batch has to be neglected due to it's priority. I believe it's a sign that my labor will begin soon hahah! It's the nesting urge that's what they call it. Let me share a bit what i've accomplished so far! Here's list  from previous entry:

  • Convert all 6 bumGenius to snap button - Done!
  • Jahit barut for baby - Almost there, kain dah potong into sizes tinggal jahit.
  • Potong kaki seluar of few pants that I bought at Ross Pjg sgt dho.- Done!
  • Jahit 2 baby pouch - Not yet. 
  • Jahit baju kurung raya for Mimin - Kain da beli tp blom potong. Sempat ker?
  • Make a receiving blanket for baby - Hah beli aje lah melor oi!
  • One blanket spare blanket. (Papa nk pilih kain kat Joann) - Tangguh dulu tak penting sgt.
  • DIY another 6 cloth diapers... (beli je kalo tak sempat haha!) - Dah selamat outsource kat GBW 10 cd!
 Converted to snap with Ooga Booga engraved cap.
    Additional to-sew-list: 

    Glider cushion makeover - Owh so inspired by this tutorial and lihatlah hasil cushion baru yang tak seberapa itu hahaha! First time on buat upholstery. Ni sume gara2 esok nk nursing sambil dok kat glider, insyaAllah!. Glider tu beli kat kids consignment store je.

    Diaper bag - Dok survey diaper bag, jatuh hati betul dengan beg kat Etsy store - Watermelon Wishes, tp upah jahit nyer aje $82, see how ppl value their creativity and workmanship. Tabik spring beb. Now i wonder those yg. amik upah jahit bag tapi charges nyer murah, pls my dear sewist friend, you're producing one of a kind item and bukan buat massive production. Pls. don't under value your skills, time, energy and have a very strict QC with ur handmade. So this is my as is yg tak berapa as is hahah! Boleh lah utk pakai sendiri.

    Lining for basket - Last month i bought 2 bakul kat thrift store, $1-$2 each. Thrift store ni kedai yg jual brg2 2nd hand yg ppl donate pastu hasil jualan disalurkan ke charity centre. So byk la brg2 dari baju, perabot, brg2 dapo, toys, electrical appliances n mcm2 lah. I found a fleece from Joann remnant section for $3.50 that just nice to go as lining for the basket. This project inspired from this tutorial at Sew! Mama! Sew! Boleh la isi cd, insert and baby stuff. Planned to get few more basket.

    So yg penting dan perlu segera is barut baby and to make few baby wipes from leftover flannel that i bought utk buat barut. Skang try to be more green haha! re-usable baby wipes, cloth diaper..yada..yada. The rest think can wait. Nanti dah siap will upload pic here.

    *Owh planning to add materials to make cloth diaper like PUL, Zorb, Cotton Velour, Organic Bambo stuff, cute cotton interlock print to my shop soon. Any takers? We'll see...

    Friday, June 18, 2010

    My Brother SE 400 is here!

    Ok.. first of all i knew this entry may look like I'm showing off but NO! I'm too excited. So pls..pls..pls..let me be Hahahah!

    After 2 months keeping myself busy with the my blacky asus lappy and doing nothing related to sewing makes me sick! Finally I make my decision on which machine to buy after all the hunting process. This morning Mr. UPS came and my hubby open the door then he shouted "Yang...tgk ni..mesin sampai" . I was in the kitchen! Jumping for joy! Hahah! Not too high but enough to make the baby kicking. I didn't expected that the machine would arrive this soon, i thought it must be one of the parcel for my customers.I bought it on Amazon.com.

    Hem..mane nak letak? Meja menjahit pon blom ade. 

    Unpacked and checking all the items are as listed.

    SE 400 is a computerized sewing machine. It can be use to sew, quilt and simple2 embroidery. I already have mechanical sewing machine back at Malaysia ..the Janome 2049. So it's time to have some upgrade on the functionality side. Evetho I wish I can afford to buy Bernina or Husqvarna (beso impian tuh!) but... I very happy i settled down with this one. I did some simple stitching just now and so far it impressed me. Wait till I do something more than that a see how she works :D.  Adios!

    *coming soon is her siblings serger 1034D.

    Thursday, June 17, 2010

    Patty Young 3R Contest!

     Reuse. Reduce. Recycle contest by Patty Young

    Wehehe! I'm trying my luck at Patty Young blog. She's giving away 4 bags of her awesome scraps from Andalucia, Mezzanine, Flora & Fauna and Playdate. Four winner will be announce this weekend. Owhh..alangkah bahagia kalo dapat satu....berangan dulu.

    *byk angan2 nih, bile la mesin jahit ngn serge nak sampai.

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010

    Compiling my to sew project list :P

    Have you pay a visit to my shop recently? I have added a pliers for plastic snap from Kamsnaps.com that I bought last week. Item arrived quit fast from the seller even tho i order the backordered package. I planned to convert by bumGenius 3.0 Aplix to snap buttons soon. I found a very easy step by step done by one of forumer at Diaperswapper.com. Will share my own experience on the process soon.

     My new toys wehee! Haven't tried it yet

    Lepas ni boleh la jahit CD sendiri pulak since tools dah ade. Yes! I'm cding my soon-to-be-born-baby heheh!

     Menanti utk di upgrade...

    Other than this project, I have few other things in my head, while counting days for my new baby Brother sewing machine to be delivered to my home.
    • Convert all 6 bumGenius to snap button
    • Jahit barut for baby. (aci tak reuse balik Aplix pada bumGenius for this project? Heheh we'll see)
    • Potong kaki seluar of few pants that I bought at Ross Pjg sgt dho.
    • Jahit 2 baby pouch.
    • Jahit baju kurung raya for Mimin (kain pon belom beli lagi haha) 
    • Make a receiving blanket for baby
    • One blanket spare blanket. (Papa nk pilih kain kat Joann)
    • DIY another 6 cloth diapers... (beli je kalo tak sempat haha!)
    Ok that is it for now. Byk2 nanti ambitious sgt plak kan?  Owh feel free to cuci mate pic my visit to Joann last Sunday after my childbirth class at MMC.

     Click here to see more pictures at my Facebook Album.

    Tuesday, June 08, 2010

    Designer fabrics, Cloth Diapers Sewing Material added to my shop!

    Hi everyone! 

    I have added lots of designer fabrics in my shop for you to choose and if you can't find a prints that you like to may visit manufacturer links that I've added on the side of my shop. There are tons of other pattern and prints in those website. All you have to do is send me the links that have pictures or information of your favorite fabric to my email - mamamelor (at) gmail (dot) com and i will quote you the price.

    I also have added quite few notion supply for cloth diaper and baby project in my shop such as minkee fabrics, flannel, fleece and knit fabric. They comes in very nice colors and cute prints too! Pay a visit to my blogshop see more! I will be adding more item from time to time.

    Follow my blog shop so that you wont miss my latest update and sometimes sales or batches order ok!

    Btw, I miss sewing so much. After 2 months in US i haven't make a decision on which sewing machine should i buy. I knew before this I wrote an entry to get Brother but after chatting with few other sifu sewers, reading reviews I finally went blank...i knew for sure that I want to buy a machine that;s better than my Janome that left at home huhu..(miss her much!). So let;s see in few days I may have make my decision because I just can't stand looking at all the fabrics i sell in my shop and all the cloth diaper materials that I've ordered from other online shop! I just can't sew because I don't have a sewing machine! Urggg!

    Sunday, June 06, 2010

    Cloth Diaper Hunting and The Truth Reveals...jeng jeng jeng...!

    I believe many moms out there know what is cloth diaper but not many know the benefit to use cloth diaper other than saving the earth. Some even argue about the fact that cloth diaper save lots of money that you usually spend on disposable diaper every month for your kids. Even me and my husband have doubt about the cost saving part, until we do some research, read few articles and do our own calculation! It's a human nature that's hard to believe in something that's too good to be true. Cloth diapers is one of the thing that's too good to be true and yes it's truly save a lot of money. We totally on disposable during Yasmin so we knew the different.

    It took me 2 weeks to get to know what is cloth diapers, how it works, how it can save our money and save the earth (i know the money part comes first then the earth, no judging ok! haha), get to know that there are so many types CDs out there, get to know the meaning of the terms and short forms they use is CDs world, reading tons of review from other CDs parents about different type and brands available in the US market. I do asked few friend who already started CDing their kids.

    I found a very useful website that teach me a lot about cloth diapers from A to Z. Here are a list of very informative site that I read over again and again in order to educate my other half about cloth diapers and convince him that by doing this, you can save this such of amount up until the baby is at this age. Man, the numbers that all matter to them plus now I'm not working and we really have to watch out on our budget.

    A Beginner's Guide to Frugal Cloth Diapering
    Jacqueline wrote a very simple to follow step before you decide on CDing. I know her article is based on US scenario but most of other points can be applied to moms in Malaysia. In Malaysia, we don't have trial and return package, diaper services but still you need to know which type of CD that suit you best before you decide to buy and save every penny before you end up bought something that's not what you're expected. You'll keep on buying because everyone says it's cost saving and CD is a long term investment. Yes it's cost saving and a very great long term investment if ONLY you do it the right and smart way! So read it before you buy any CDs that caught your eyes because they comes in cute color and prints. She also have further readings on other issue of CDing that you may want to read.

    The Cost of Cloth Diapers
    This website layout a calculation of costing for each type of CD from newborn to 30 months includes the costing for disposable diaper. Again, the price may not reflect pricing of cloth diaper and disposable in Malaysia which I am very aware that the imported US brand CD in Malaysia is expensive, around RM60- RM140 each! But you need to do your study, decide which type of cd you prefer, hunt for the seller that can give you a good deal or you can look for cd that is produce by WAHM. From there you can make your own calculation. So be smart!

    This site have so many information, product reviews and rankings of baby items. You can read the review for each brand (US brand of course) to know it's pros and cons. It's good to know about that others says who have used the product before.I believe I've seen lots of Malaysia online store have US brand CD in their store.

    I may link you to only 3 websites and within them I believe they includes other useful links for you to browse. Yesterday, I finally make our first CD purchase at Cottonbabies.com. It's part of the preparation for our soon-to-be-born baby this August, InsyaAllah. We decided to start with bumGenius 3.0 One Size (OS) Pocket Diaper. Why? Here's our reason:
    1. It has snap buttons for sizes that allow us to use the CD from NB to toddler. So that we don't have to buy another size once the baby grows.
    2. We get the buy 5, free 1 deal at $86.90. And it cost us $14.50 each approx RM50 each. Pretty nice deal for us. Considering we need 24 CDs for the whole cycle from NB to toddler according to the calculation in Diaperdecision.com for pocket diaper. It's just that we don't have to buy another bulk when the baby grows, remember this CD can be re-size up to toddler.
      • It comes with 2 reusable insert for NB and toddler which save us a lot of cost with insert. 24 x 2 = 48 inserts in total. The NB insert still can be use as doubler once the baby grows.
        • We didn't need to buy the diaper cover  because the outer layer is waterproof.   
        • We plan to use disposable liner with this CD so that it's easier to get the poo-poo before we do the laundry. Since laundry is mostly handled by my husband, hope this method will give him/us a peace of mind.
        • It works almost the same as disposable, so it's easy for me, hubby or soon-babysitter once we return to Malaysia when the baby is almost 6-7 months old next year. Yeap we will back next year insyaAllah. :).
        • It get a lot of good reviews from who already used it and yes i admit there are flaw here and there but we willing to take a shot hehe! 
        Ok here comes the costing part:

        Cloth Diaper + Insert:
        • RM50 x 24 set (termasuk 48 insert) = RM1200 one time pay cost. 
        Disposable liner:
        • 200 sheets = $12 approx RM40.80, RM0.20/sheets
        • 7 sheets/day x RM0.20sen = RM1.40/day (we take average usage perday)
        • 365 days x RM1.40 = RM511.00/year
        • RM511 x 3 years = RM1533.00
        Total CD system = RM1200 + RM1533= RM2733 can u imagine if i'm just using CD without the liners?
        Only RM1200
        If I were to use disposal diapers (let's consider we're not using MamyPoko or Pull Up pants that cost almost RM1.20++ each diaper..kite kire kalo pakai Pet Pet la economical skit kan..?)
        • 7pc/day x RM0.60/pc = RM4.20/day (we take average usage perday)
        • 365 days x RM4.20 = RM1533
        Total Disposable diapers = 3 years x RM1533 = RM4599 haa amcam boleh beli satu iPad tak? hahahah!
          So berapa boleh save kalo pakai CD?

          RM4599-RM2733 = RM1899 (I still save almost 2k even I use disposable liners for a peace of mind when if comes to poo-poo and laundry)

          So I've layout my costing, what do you think? I can't imagine how much I used to spend on disposable during Yasmin term. Some ppl might say.."Jgn berkire sgt dengan anak..." I agreed but I applied that sentence when it comes to makan and her education jer. Cuba pk RM1899 tu boleh guna untuk anak nyer college fund ker, hantar anak pi better playskool ker... buy books, savings. I make my choice. 

          We start with 6 CD first and see how it goes from there. A video from one of CD father at youtube may give you some ideas how BG 3.0 works. I will get back to give my review on this diaper once we have our hands-on with our soon-to-be-born baby ok!

          *I'm not promoting the product ok. Just sharing some information with my readers!

          Wednesday, May 19, 2010

          Mountain Midwifery Center(MMC)

          es..last Sunday we went for an orientation at MMC and today I had my 2nd appointment with them. So there's some pictures of the center. Owh pada yg tak tahu I planned not to have my baby in the hospital. This time I would like to take chance to deliver my baby naturally ..mean no drugs involve and have a new experience of water birth insyaAllah.

          MMC ade 5 bidan berlesen and don't be surprise that pusat bersalin nih nothing like hospital at all, that's one of the reason I choose them. Other reasons will share in my future entry.

           MMC ade 2 entrance this one take you straight to the labour room :)

          This is their main office, downstairs. Kalau dtg dari entrance depan jumpa main office dulu. All classes, appointment happen here. Ok that's me, see the shirt I'm wearing? That's a prove that I haven't gone for closet shopping yet. Asyik sibuk pi Target, beli makanan jer hahaha! No kidding ok. Bonus dah masuk kan? Ok nanti pi shopping baju plak hahah!

          Yasmin sibuk tunjuk die pon ade baby jugak. 

          That's Yasmin with Shahmi (our neighbours son) do what kids do best! Main! See those bookshelf ? You can borrow those books buat rete barang sebulan pastu pulang la balik. Mostly books that they recommended to expectant mom to read. It is all about knowledge.Tak kenal maka tak cinta.
          Papa layan free green tea..this place is so cosy rase mcm pi rumah orang tapi buat mcm rumah sendiri ahahah!

          All sorts of tea, leaves...mostly natural, I bought a jar of raspberry leaf (rendam mcm buat air teh) $9.99 you can see the benefit at this link. 

          This their labour room area upstairs.

          Hemm..nak check in skrang bole?

          I try baring atas katil tu ok ..mmg best...heheh nothing like hospital at all. 

          The moment of truth.. that's the tub yg. banyak berjasa pada mak-mak yg. bersalin kat sini. That's where water birth happen.

          Sure syok berendam dalam tub mase contraction ala2 nk patah pinggang. Mom will push the baby while she's inside the tub. Tak caya? See here and here. I met Tracy the owner, Sarah the midwife in video 2 (2nd link) she attend my first appointment and women in labour in link 2 is also a midwife at MMC, saw her today but didn't had chance to say hi yet :). So..yes they are real people like us. Another story, during my visit today I met a lady who just give birth to her baby girl last 2 days, they come for checkup and she's looking very good! Pakai jeans, shades on the head smile and walking healthly like she was not in a labour the past 48 hours. More pictures I uploaded at my facebook - Melor Rahman.

          Thursday, May 06, 2010

          Visit my Moleygarden Crafts Shop!

          Salam and Hi everyone.

          It has been a while since my Moleygarden.com is offline. As a start I'll be selling fabrics and some sewing notion that I can find at local store in Denver and some online in US that offers good deal for crafters & quilters in Malaysia. Perhaps something that you rarely find or can't find in Malaysia. In case you have something particular that you want to buy from US but didn't know how to, I'm glad to be your personal shopper with some fee. Thank you!

          *I'm still editing the blog layout, pls. bear with me. Thank you.

          Click HERE to visit the blogshop!


          Monday, April 26, 2010

          Kisah Nasi Lemak Denver

          Ok... I know this is out of priority in the to-blog-list. Tapi nk tulis gk. Kesahnyer nasik lemak yg. pertama kali dimasak sejak sampai sini. Jap tadi lepas bertukang design2 blog maka berlangsung lah masuk ke dapur dgn plan nk masak nasik lemak utk dinner. (tak ingat dunia tu..nk mkn nasi lemak utk dinner..mencanak badan mak naik, smlm timbang dh 62kg)

          So bersilat punya silat..sambal kaw siap, telur rebus siap, ikan bilis goreng siap.... skali "tap!" rice cooker bunyik. Kire dh masak lah tu. So selambanya mcm biasa bukak tudung periuk, gaul2 skit..nampak lain mcm nasi tu. Rasa..ade antah. So tak de lah panik. Sbb smlm first time masak nasik pakai beras tu..jd cantu gk. Tuang air panas setengah cawan pastu gaul2, masak lagi skali. Penah tgk mil buat cantu dulu. Alhamdulillah nasi semlm jadi elok. Tapi hari ni lain lak gayanya. Dh masuk 3 kali tambah air..gaul, tuang sampai kebawah pon masih berantah. Hemmm....mcmana tu.

          Mmg tak dpt nk di selamatkan lagi then pejam mate jelah tuang dlm mulut cik tongsam. Dh bazir beras, santan, daun pandan...huhuhu dah le brg2 tu harga agak mahal compare to M'sia n susah nk dpt kat sini. Lalu masak lagi skali..this time berjaga tepi periuk.. mende same gk jd! :(( Uwaaaa mmg tanak kasi aku mkn nasi lemak kot. Tanpa putus asa angkut periuk rice cooker tu naik atas dapur. Try tanak atas dapo lak...

          Tak lama jap tu... ke-putusan-asa melanda. Kite masak nasik putih jer lah yer bang. Lauk ..lauk nasi lemak hahahah! Selama ni jadik je masak nasik lemak, org mkn sampai ke kerak. Jd. terang2 lah bukan salah tukang masak kan? (Motif entry ni ialah to justify bukan-salah-aku-nasik-lemak-tu-tak-jadi hahahahhah!)

          Post mortem:
          1. Beras tu mmg tamo kawin ngn santan.
          2. Santan powder tu mmg tak sesuai utk masak nasik lemak kot?
          3. Rice cooker tu tinggi sgt heat nyer..air cepat kering tapi beras lom kembang.
          4. Tukang masak kurang pengalaman dgn. bahan2 memasak negara asing. Heheheh!
          *To K. Aeen kalo bace entry ni, alamat melepas lah melor nk tapau nasi lemak utk akak n family. Kita cuba lagi lain kali.

          Seminggu di Denver, CO, US.

          It's been a while since my last entry with valuable input :). Today genap seminggu menetap di Denver. Lots of interesting story to share since Mimin and me arrived. From food to weather and etc lah. I'll make a list then we'll see which one i'll write first heheh!
          1. 1st groceries shopping at Super Target
          2. 1st visit at Mountain Midwifery Center (place where i'll be deliver my baby through water birth method)
          3. Snow rain...
          4. Tornado warning! should we run to the basement? Hahaha!
          5. Looking for toddler formula in Denver? Mimpi lah!
          6. Bought used clothes lot for Mimin on Ebay
          7. Weather...weather..weather..
          8. 2 days getaway at Disneyland LA
          9. Craiglist in Denver
          10. Hidup utk. makan atau makan untuk hidup?
          11. List will continue after I've completed 1-10 :P
          Owh btw... i'm still in the midst of redesigning my blog. So pls. bear with me. Saje bile dh tade keje mulalah mencarik kerja.

          View from our balcony. Mimin da sangap mcm mama die.

          Sunday, April 25, 2010

          Refurbish in Progress

          In the process of refurbish the look n feel of this blog yg. dah berjaman dah berupdate.

          Saturday, April 03, 2010

          Oh maiiii! Sneak peak to Farissa's Party Preparation

          We have a big project for Farah's daughter, Farissa. She'll be 3Y next 2 weeks. Tentatively the party bash will be held at Mc. D. When Farah inform me that the party theme is safari aka animals aka petting zoo kinda thing, I suggested to Farah why don't we create pretend animals ears as a replacement for party hat! Biasalah sebok nak celup kaki skali heheh! Since I'll be leaving soon, I feel that this project would be perfect to end my crafty story entry from Malaysia for 2010 and to used up whatever i have left in my craft drawer.

          Today my dear frenzy colleagues came to my house. We start our morning with home cook Nasi Lemak made by me of course hehe! Isi perut dulu baru boleh start keje kan? Makan jgn tak makan...lebih sambal, tambah nasi... lebih nasi, tambah sambal..lebih telur, add both! Hahaha! Thanks to Farah for teh tarik tapau yang sedap, K.Keh for the kuih-muih and Ana utk Popia Sata yang tak sempat digoreng. (I will fry on Monday n bwk pi opis ok! Heeheh!)

          Lebihan felt dari drawer...

          R & D process started...all diy by us!

          yabbit ears said fayissa heheh!

          A little bit interfacing to do the magic..

          Tadaaaaa! All of it!

          All of us too busy to snap the-making-of pics because we have to consistently make sure tade pieces yang hilang disonglap oleh pirate2 yg. nakal. More pics. at my facebook! Can't wait to see the kids wear these ears soon! Enjoy!